Shendi: Fall Emergency Room Directed to Intensify Health Awareness, Environmental Hazard Alert

Khareef Shindi Emergency Room has been instructed to intensify media work by all means to raise awareness among citizens about health and to correct some bad behaviors in handling waste inside and outside homes, as it is a suitable environment for the breeding of mosquitoes and flies, especially wet waste.

During its composition, the meeting called for the mobilization of civil society organizations and their active participation in environmental sanitation processes, in order to reduce the environmental risks that may arise from an environment that is now conducive to the proliferation of mosquitoes and flies, as well as the heavy rains that the locality has witnessed in recent days.

The meeting aimed to intensify work with women, whether in homes, neighborhoods or work complexes, given that women are the first to deal with household waste products and that they treat waste optimally inside homes and neighborhoods can contribute significantly to the process of environmental sanitation.

The meeting warned that the presence of garbage around drains and rainwater in squares and plazas could aggravate the problem and directed the meeting to address it urgently.

The meeting directed all relevant authorities in the locality to immediately and without delay remove all encroachments on subsidiary and internal drains as these encroachments prevent rainwater from reaching the main drains.

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