To those who trade in the name of civilians… the anger of the people throws your ashes to the wind…!! – Clearly – Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas

In Geneva, they deplore the power of civilians, and Thomas Berlio, Blinken and those around them attack us with this (false slogan), shed in the blood of innocent civilians, victims of (massacres of thugs) moving between safe cities. and villages. It was better that those (afflicted) in the sanctuary of civilian government were honest. They declare that they are talking about a “bloody government” that rests on the “skulls” of innocents, and not a “peaceful civilian government” based on free will. How stupid you are, you who cry and gasp after “stopping the war” when you think that your “affirmations” can “deceive” the Sudanese people. So they believe that you are the preachers of a “democratic civilization”, while they see it. you slaughter it every day at the hands of criminals, so how can it be like this (a corpse) stained with forbidden blood…?!! It is certain that this (type) of civilization suits you and (intoxicates) you alone, and it does not grow here in the country of Sudan..!!*

* The fall of innocent victims with the weapons of thugs creates infinite distances between the “traders” in the name of civilians and our grieving people, and they will not find anyone on the land of Sudan to deceive them, unless it is one of the “humiliated” Agents and their ilk of the masters of the pen and languages ​​”Hatifah”. Hypocrisy and mercenary … the blood of these innocents is expensive and will not dry in the pores of the earth until our people take retaliation against the murderers. and those who anoint themselves with baseness and decadence. The punishment is inevitably coming, even if the (night) of the dirty plot lasts a long time, and it will be more and more cruel. The severity of the persecution of criminals and agents in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Bangladesh. , Palestine and elsewhere, so wait, we are waiting… As for the “duty of the hour” inside this country, it is to raise the ceiling of popular resistance (training and arming) to pursue the murderous rebels wherever they are. come and go, and in parallel with this, there is the increase in the “painful strikes” that they carry out. The army opposes the chaos and chaos of these criminals and pursues them to their hideouts and destroys them over their heads, without compassion or compassion. mercy..!!

*So let the criminals, their henchmen and those who support them with money and weapons know that your massacres against innocent and defenseless people are now turning into (an overwhelming popular anger) that is spreading in all the cities, villages and countrysides of Sudan, and you have seen it with your own eyes in Shendi, Al-Damer, Atbara, Al-Manaqil, Al-Qadarif, Port Sudan, the cities of the north and the White Nile, and on the (austere) faces of El Fasher. an anger that will not be met with (negotiations) or (telephone) communications, but rather (revenge) against the criminal killers and their despicable supporters, and (the blood of the honorable) in Wad Al-Nura, Jalqani, Abu Quta, Khartoum, Darfur and other places will not be lost, and the days between you and our patient people will not be lost. You will not be able to escape (a severe punishment), you bastards, traitors and agents, whether you are in (a). dwarven mark) or you come in the guise of (cunning) foxes or (sparkling) henchmen or you emerge from (poor) verses of poems or among vulgar, vulgar writings..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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