Sudanese news headlines published this morning, Monday, August 19, 2024

🔵 Al-Watan electronic newspaper:

Government delegation leaves for Cairo to negotiate with America

Quality operations of the armed forces and the air force destroy the targets of the rebellion

Militia continues to target citizens of Omdurman

A sovereign directive to delimit the Red Sea coasts

US envoy: We will not recognize any legitimacy in rapid support

🔵 Al-Sudani electronic newspaper:

Sovereign directives to review the demarcation of the Red Sea coast and determine a precise and unified figure for the length of the Sudanese coast

Sovereignty Council: Government delegation meets US envoy in Cairo to discuss implementation of Jeddah agreement

Islamic Development Bank provides $135 million financing for Upper Atbara Dam complex

Bank of Sudan: There are no registered shares for Rapid Support in Tharwa Bank… but some of them belong to individuals affiliated with the Rapid Support militia.

Minawi: Most of the companies transporting aid from Chad to Darfur operate with trucks looted from Sudan, and some of them are well-known companies affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces.

Artist Sidi Douchka: Stop live discussions against each other

🔵 Sudanese News Agency “SUNA”:

Sovereignty Council: Government delegation in Cairo to discuss government vision in implementing Jeddah Agreement

Sovereignty Council Chairman Congratulates Indonesian President on His Country's National Day

Jabir in Sudan has great economic value due to its large resources

Sovereignty Council member Ibrahim Jaber leads review of Red Sea coast demarcation

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives the credentials of the Turkish Ambassador

Armed Forces successfully conduct operations on Al-Jazeera and Al-Obeid axes

Sudanese Embassy and Community in Ethiopia Organize Second Mobilization to Support Refugees

With the entry of the West Gash converter station, Kassala has said goodbye to the scheduling of power outages

Resumption of completion of procedures for extracting exporters' and importers' files in Gedaref

Customs clearance operations are stopped with all customs barriers

Bank of Sudan issues statement refuting what was published against the bank and its governor

Khartoum Governor Praises Umbada Locality's Performance Towards Expatriate Citizens

Khartoum Governor Speaks on Modalities for Introducing E-Learning

Director General of the Ministry of Health and Social Development in Gedaref inspects Ahd Al-Rijal camp in Al-Faw locality

Political blocs, alliances and civil society organisations in Port Sudan reject foreign interference

Qatar Charity and the International Organization for Migration implement a joint project to distribute shelter materials in IDP accommodation centers in Sudan

Director General of the Ministry of Health and Social Development in Gedaref inspects Ahed Men camp in Al-Faw locality

Ministerial committees approve national plan to end female genital mutilation in Sudan

West Kordofan Governor Issues Decision to Dismiss and Reassign Directors General of Production and Infrastructure Ministries

🔵North Kordofan State

North Kordofan Governor Praises Role of Churches in Peaceful Coexistence

The Sons of Dar Hamid Association in North Kordofan sends a convoy to the locality of Abu Hamad

🔵Northern State:

Northern Governor Reviews Efforts to Address Educational Needs

Northern Governor Reviews Supreme Council of Youth and Sports Projects

Al-Daman Hospital in Merowe confirms medical support to those affected by floods and rains in Tangasi

Nuri Region: Condolence convoy moves for flood-affected people in Greater Tangasi region

Head of National Committee for Popular Mobilization and Resistance Arrives in Al-Dabbah City

Popular activities and local masses in Dongola renew their support and backing for the armed forces

Tribute to the former Secretary General of the Higher Council for Youth and Sports of the North

🔵 Blue Nile State:

The Zakat office in the Blue Nile region remained in a state of anticipation and monitoring of the flow of displaced persons from war-affected states.

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