Shendi: Allocation of 4 acres of rain-fed crops with seeds to expatriates who wish to cultivate

Shindi Locality Executive Director Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh announced the allocation of 4 acres of rain-fed crops containing seeds to expatriates who wish to cultivate.

The executive director ordered the local agriculture department to immediately begin implementing this order for anyone interested in agricultural work in the rain-fed sector.

The Executive Director said that the aim of this directive is to elevate the spirit of production and benefit from arable areas, especially in rain-fed agriculture sites, and to benefit from the energies of expatriates, and to direct those who wish to do so to the production sites on this 4-acre area.

Executive Director Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh added that the country, in the circumstances it is experiencing, especially economic ones, must increase its production, especially in the agricultural sector.

Abdel Ghaffar stressed that what the expatriate produces in this allocated space is self-sufficient to feed his family, and that everything beyond his needs goes to the market to feed others.

It is noteworthy that the locality of Shendi has received a large number of expatriates from several states after the outbreak of war in Khartoum last April.

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