Mobilization and popular resistance are aimed at students of schools in Section 3, East and South

His Excellency Colonel Essam Ali addressed this morning in Al-Salim area, Section 3, East-South, the students and pupils of Al-Salim schools, Section 3, East-South, as part of the tour of mobilization and popular resistance in the schools of the state, to renew the alliance and instill the spirit of patriotism in the souls of the students, in addition to instilling national and humanitarian values ​​in them and informing them about what is happening in the country.

His Excellency the Colonel saluted the martyrs of the Battle of Karama and the Armed Forces on the occasion of their seventieth anniversary while they were fighting this war, as well as all members of the Armed Forces.

Chanting the slogan “One army, one people”.

His Excellency and the students behind him also chanted the slogan of the popular resistance: God, the Fatherland, the People.

Have mercy on the soul of the martyr, son of the region, Hammad Hamad, and also have mercy on the soul of the deceased of the homeland and education, said Federal Minister of Education Muhammad Hassan Al-Houri, speaking about the exploits of the deceased.

He also greeted the people of Al-Salim, Department 3, East-South, and all those working in the field of education, and he extended his greetings and appreciation to Professor Muhammad Abdel Qadir Al-Farjabi, Professor Ahmed Othman and the expatriates who offer their precious and valuable things for the sake of the dignity and pride of Sudan.

Highlighting the readiness of popular resistance to face brutal aggression

For his part, the Vice Chairman of the Administrative Committee of Al-Salim Region, Section 3, East-South, Mr. Abdul Rahim Omar, took the floor, welcoming the delegation and participants.

Speaking about the consequences of the war that was imposed on us

Vanda is equal and positive about war

You made everyone the heart of one man

This restored the prestige of the Sudanese army, which the traitors had tried, with their false slogans, to undermine the armed forces and make the population lose confidence in the armed forces.

Emphasizing their full availability when the nation calls to protect the land and to honor and maintain the security and stability of the country.

In the same context, Mr. Ali Muhammad Ali greeted on behalf of Al-Salim schools, section 3, East, South Al-Duif

He congratulated the armed forces on their seventieth anniversary, appreciating their pioneering role in protecting the country.

Stressing that students and teachers will put down their pens and take up arms against any aggressor

The program included the participation of students and pupils in several paragraphs in which they reflected their love and patriotism for this country and for the army.

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