White Nile Governor Records Visit to Twins Al-Burhan, Kabashi and Al-Atta Barbak

Last night, Professor Omar Al-Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, accompanied by Dr. Al-Zein Saad Adam, Director General of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Minister-designate, recorded a social visit to citizen Suleiman Muhammad. Haroun Muhammad at his home in the city of Rabak, who gave birth to triplets and named them after the leaders of the armed forces, Al-Burhan, Kabashi and Al-Atta.

The Governor of White Nile congratulated them on the arrival of the triplets, and His Excellency expressed his joy at the noble patriotic stance of the father of the twins and appointed them as commanders of the armed forces. He said that this indicates that all citizens are behind the armed forces and are implementing the slogan “one army, one people.”

The governor of White Nile made a financial donation to support the family and announced that he would take care of the twins and provide them with health care and social services.

The twins' father, Suleiman Muhammad Haroun, said the appointment came in recognition of the great national role played by the three commanders in leading the armed forces at this important stage.

The birth of the twins coincided with the 70th Army Day, and the governor's social visit to the twins was accepted and approved by the citizens of the neighborhood, who confirmed their support for the army leadership and the state government.

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