The designated customs director: We are fighting shoulder to shoulder in the economic field with the armed forces and we are delivering the increased annual financial report.

Acting Director General of Customs, General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, confirmed the stability of the work of customs forces in all ports providing services to service seekers, in addition to their continued role in protecting the economy by combating and reducing smuggling.

The Director General of Customs renewed his praise for all the personnel of the Customs Police at all levels and in all ports and stations of all states, stressing that its employees know, in known circumstances, that they are filling the economic void with their brothers in Al Karama Square.

His Excellency stressed that the war against Sudan takes many forms, including on the battlefield, including in the economic aspect, with the aim of destroying the capabilities of the Sudanese people, hitting their economy and plundering their resources, which we customs face with all our skills and long experience in this field, and we are increasingly fighting in the field of economy, alongside the armed forces.

The acting director general of customs added: “They are returning their annual tax from the general budget in full to the Ministry of Finance, and with an increase, despite the war and the shrinking of the working areas of customs offices in the war-affected states.

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