Runny nose, sneezing and cold!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine

This title may prompt you to put your hand directly over your nose or mouth so as not to contract an infection or drool from the force of sneezing that accompanies a severe cold, especially one that comes at an inappropriate time, like the one that affected me these last two days, and I was confined to the colored bed. The (brown) burned in the house, not the (white) bed of hospitals, and it took a (distant) place in the house like an exile. So that we do not share (others) and hide from our friends and colleagues until (a certain time).

We differed slightly from the great majority, and may God protect us from what afflicted them with diarrhea and the very common eye disease of our day, known as (conjunctivitis).

Cases of cold, as is known, usually spread in winter, but this exceptional case might have struck me in summer or autumn if I had been more precise in determining the time of the (infection), which is therefore an (infection) that came in another season (its season), it would be more violent and more severe (The cruelty) of abandoning the beloved, as the people of romanticism and chaste love say, as is the case of the poets of that time, such as (Jamil Buthaina) or (Al-Marqash Al-Akbar) and (Qais bin Al-Malouh), who suffered from (the abandonment) of the beloved, and I suffer from (connection) the microbe, which He did to the nostrils what Antar bin Shaddad did not harm the enemies without (blinking) an eyelid.

(Sneezing) and (cold) are also associated with relatives who say that if Abla sneezes in the lands of Banu Abs, a cold will strike Antarah bin Shaddad, in the desert valley, but I did not know who sneezed and in what place in Sudan or in the world, so the cold struck me in that place.

The poet Abu Al-Tayeb Al-Mutabbi was in a better condition than me when he contracted malaria from mosquitoes, which are prevalent in abundance nowadays, and it was “abundance” that defeated “courage” and abilities, localities and states.

Al-Mutababi said in these verses of his poem, speaking about mosquitoes or malaria, he said:

It was made to have pads and gaskets

She recovered and stayed in my bones.

But as you know, where is the cold microbe. And where its marches take place, and if you hear the sound of “sneezing” from one of your colleagues or neighbors at home, know that this sound of “blogging” has hit a “target”, and you must be careful not to let “shrapnel” (excuse me, Razzaz) hit you and put you in the circle of those infected with the “cold”. Not among the wounded during operations.

In the treatment process, I did not resort to (medical) medications for fear of (side effects), but I turned to (lemon) because it contains natural (antibiotics) capable of (repelling) any new and possible attack of (microbes) which often (locate) nearby.

Praise God, the lemon managed to “comb” the affected area and it was free of these microbes. The lemon managed to eliminate all the “sleeping cells” and the “awakening cells”. We will issue a statement explaining how we were exposed to this injury and how we eliminated (the enemy), and the friends and colleagues we have been “absent” in recent days will know more details.

We were in the (front) positions of the (face) and (removed) all (the foundations) of the (paper) and (cloth) handkerchiefs, and things returned, thank God, clear without blurring. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

The article has been published Runny nose, sneezing and cold!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine First on Zoll net.

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