Gezira State rejects Geneva's betrayal and demands a military solution ✍️ Dr. Mohamed Tabidi

*══❁✿ `Paths of Light` ✿❁══*

🖊️ A personal opinion column written by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khader Yaqoub Tabidi

*🎯 ولاية الجزيرة ترفض خيانة جنيف وتطالب بالحسم العسكري

*All thanks to our army on its seventieth anniversary*

*One army, one people*

> If we consider that those who started the war were the remnants of the old regime and the Islamic brigades of Khartoum State and the rest of the states, then Gezira State is considered one of the states that the rapid support rebel militia entered without any resistance from the Sudanese army after its withdrawal. The rapid support rebel militia entered there and found defenseless citizens and miserable people. What they suffered in terms of looting, displacement, rape, and what is hidden is greater. The militia has proven that it is against the citizen and its goal is to destroy him and Sudan. Insan al-Jazeera fled to the city of Al-Manaqil and the safe villages to take refuge there from the oppression of the Janjaweed and their ruthless governor, Mr. Al-Taher Ibrahim Al-Khair, was able to provide shelter, food and health care to the displaced people, and this is what prompted the State of Insan Gezira to participate in a solemn procession of rejection of foreign intervention and the Geneva negotiations, which are wasting their rights and ensuring that the Janjaweed escape from their heinous actions in Gezira State. Professor Al-Taher Ibrahim Al-Khair addressed the huge crowd and spoke forcefully and firmly, rejecting the dictates of the outside world and its conditions, which are wasting the right of the citizens of Gezira State and the entire Sudanese people. They left. He categorically rejected the Geneva negotiations, because it was the state of Al-Jazeera and its citizens who were burned by the fire of the rapid support rebel militias and their violations against. women, children and the elderly. Even crops and animals were not spared from their violations. The first to cry out against the Geneva negotiations were the women of Al-Jazeera state because of the sexual independence they witnessed, to the point of alternation. rapes in the presence of family members at gunpoint, and testimonies were recorded in many villages on the island, in addition to the massacres committed in the villages under the pretext of their belonging to the state 56, remnants of the old regime, and the Islamic brigades, and that the Geneva negotiations implied a clear betrayal of the population of the island, so he completely rejected the negotiations and demanded from the army a military decision, which was imminent. Thanks to the armed forces, the security apparatus, the army. The Mujahideen, the Mustafarin, the Al-Baraa Brigades and the other jihadist brigades, this is what guarantees them the restoration of their dignity, trampled by the bastards of the rebel militias.

*All support to our brave armed forces*

*And glory and serenity belong to our glorious martyrs*

*❁And I will write until my last breath❁*

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