Criminals are complaining… It's amazing!! – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

What is no longer a secret or even subject to doubt or error is that the rapid support militia has abused the simple defenseless civilians of Sudan, plundered everywhere what it wanted of their property, usurped what was officially registered and what was not, but is recorded in the mouths of the usurpers, and displaced millions with its brutal war against security in villages and deserts, and buried what was not. They could not survive in streams and sand.

All this and more has been documented by foreign parties, and the criminals have admitted to doing it and documented it in pictures and audio out of ignorance, mismanagement, tyranny and boasting about the wickedness of what they do…

The latest thing we read is that an American rapper has cancelled a concert he was scheduled to give in Dubai this October, announcing that he will not hold the concert while millions of people in Sudan are homeless, missing and raped by a militia that, according to confirmed reports, receives support from the United Arab Emirates.

Despite all this and other evidence, this terrorist militia is trying to get out of its difficult situation and even accuses the Sudanese army, which is trying to prevent it from harming the population. It is trying to accuse it of committing crimes and violating international laws. …

A recording of a leak from what is said to be Rizeigat people's groups, in which it appears that some are seeking to involve the military and sue it by opening cases in the International Hanayat Court, where the speaker stated that we are continuing this work, but you (directing his speech to the militiamen) are obstructing the work and the case is stopping from the beginning because you appear in military uniform in Every place is bombed by the military and we present it to the court as evidence!!

This man urged the militiamen to stay away and stay away from places bombed by the army while wearing their military uniform so that they can prove that the army targeted civilians!!!

You started the war and waged it publicly by declaring that you were students of democracy, then your affairs were exposed after the first defeat and your faces were cut into pieces along with the houses, property and honor of the citizens. Then your leaders started to claim this. it was a war against the people and the state of 1956, and here you are, every day, raping, killing and looting, and the objective was lost after the loss of leadership, so you are floundering.

Attempts to beautify your face, nor attempts to discredit the positions and actions of the Sudanese army, will not benefit you. Neither the whole world nor the Hanayat court will believe what you say. This is because you and we are in lies and deception. , have repeatedly changed the goals of your war and tried to shift the blame onto others. Renowned and respected international organizations and institutions, and even prominent international popular singers, have witnessed your lies. Fame has become one of your opponents and witnesses. to the bad things you do.

We think that all this will be enough to dissuade you and bring you back on the right path, but you are people who do not understand and do not reason.

May God help everyone

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