One day the fox appeared in preachers clothes – Paths of Light – ✍️ Dr. Mohammed Tabidi

*══❁✿ `Paths of Light` ✿❁══*

🖊️ A personal opinion column written by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Khader Yaqoub Tabidi

*`🎯 One day the fox appeared in a preacher's clothes`*

*All thanks to our army on its seventieth anniversary*

*One army, one people*

> The Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, began his conversation with journalists. He began to be confident in what he said and what he would do, and he spoke in a language with a lot of self. – confidence and firmness, and he dropped many phrases that the war would end only with the victory or surrender of the terrorist Al-Dagalo militia. The repeated demand of the UAE to appear in the stands to end the war in Sudan is a despicable game. it does not fool anyone, and that it can stop supporting the terrorist Al-Dagalo militia, so that the war in the country stops, and that the entry of humanitarian aid to the targeted people is above all a shame, because there are no citizens in the areas. The control of the rebel militia Rapid Support, except for their collaborators and relatives, everyone was displaced due to the violation of the rebel militia. This applies to all the places where the terrorist Al. -Dagalo militia was stationed. To continue the dialogue, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan called on the militia to complete the results of Jeddah and specified its locations in Khartoum only and not in Sennar and El Geneina. tried several times to continue negotiations, from the Jeddah tribune to the initiative of neighboring countries, Cairo, Ethiopia and Geneva, with which the American envoy Tom Perbelio wanted to dissuade the Sudanese army from bringing it to its knees. , and lead it to an agreement that harms the Sudanese people, who are the first targeted in this war, and despite our efforts for peace sometimes, but we are committed to the right of the citizen and the homeland, and we. we will also launch any call to achieve peace, but on our terms and not on those dictated to us by the slave-owning and tyrannical countries, and that governance is only for the Sudanese people and no one else. Even we will follow the opinion of the Sudanese. the people who supported us in the war of dignity against the rebellion and the terrorist militias of Dagalo are on alert, the popular resistance and the support committees support the militias around the world, and we will remain in the trenches of the fighting, alone with us, God and our patient and patient people.

> In the most accurate description I have heard of the renegade Hemedti throughout my life, when Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, said: “Hemedti reminds me of reading in elementary school and the poem The Fox and the Rooster.” The appearance of Hemedti in a preacher's costume will not deter us, because he is the one who pushed his forces to loot, plunder, rape, arrest, and all these crimes committed against him Sudanese citizen, you will reject him. us in the uniform of honorable and pure soldiers, and we will defend our people to the last and most beautiful soldier. Our valiant armed forces set the most wonderful examples in El-Fasher, in the Western States, in Omdurman, in Khartoum and in the defense of Khartoum. the state of Al-Jazeera and Sinnar, it is the complete opposite of us that its militia members commit crime after crime and document it with their phones, and that their violations and insults to families before killing them, mutilating their bodies, and killing civilians in cold blood in villages whose population does not exceed a few people, for looting them, or kidnapping girls to rape them, or forcibly marrying them to a number of individuals together, and this violates Sharia, custom and tradition, and even animals do not commit such acts. All this and more on the ground of this battle and not recorded. The days will reveal it later, and the fox will always be the loser because it goes after the other foxes, who are supported by a pack of insolent. and advanced dogs.

*All support to our brave armed forces*

*And glory and serenity belong to our glorious martyrs*

*❁And I will write until my last breath❁*

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