Security and Media are Safe…a Call for Communication and Understanding – On Low Fire – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

🟣 The relationship between security and media is considered one of the essential foundations for achieving stability and development of societies. In this context, the invitation was issued by the National Security and Intelligence Service of Shindi, where a group of media professionals from various fields gathered.

🟣 This event was not just a gathering, but rather an opportunity to build bridges of trust and understanding between the media and different security models. Media professionals gathered in an atmosphere of joy and comfort, reflecting the spirit of cooperation and national solidarity.

🟣 The media plays a central role in educating society on various security issues. By disseminating accurate information and raising awareness about security challenges, the media can help strengthen the stability of the country and reassure citizens. In times of crisis, the media has a responsibility to convey messages that prevent panic and correct misconceptions.

🟣 The exchange of information between security services and the media community also enhances the effectiveness of efforts to protect national security.

🟣 During the meeting, Colonel Ahmed Farah delivered a strong speech that highlighted the importance of partnership with media professionals, emphasizing that the goals are common and the objectives are the same. He stressed the need for coordination between the security apparatus and the media in order to provide a safer environment for all. The conversation was not just jokes, but rather a real call to develop common strategies that ensure the security of the nation and contribute to achieving positive interaction between the citizen and the state. Colonel Farah developed an interactive vision that strengthens the spirit of joint cooperation between all parties.

🟣 The press and media play a crucial role in educating society on security issues and potential threats. Through cultural and awareness programs, the media can disseminate knowledge and improve people’s understanding of how to manage risks. The media is considered a key means of transmitting security messages and reassuring citizens, which requires that messages are delivered accurately and reliably. The media awareness campaign helps strengthen the relationship between society and security services, which increases the climate of mutual trust.

🟣The participation of the playwrights came within the framework of the event, as they demonstrated how art can contribute to increasing security awareness. Through their works, artists can communicate important messages related to security and societal challenges. Art is one of the most important means of expression and it can contribute to shaping public opinion and promoting positive values ​​in society. The playwrights gave a moving performance that reflects the interaction between art and security, which reflects the need for interaction between these different fields.

🟣 The local government, represented by Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, particularly appreciated the role of media professionals in strengthening national security. He praised the vital role played by the media in supporting the government's efforts and raising awareness among the community. This appreciation reflects the importance of joint work between the government and the media to improve the security situation. This spirit of cooperation and appreciation embodies a real hope for building a better future.

In the presence of Professor Babiker Al-Azraq, Director of the General Administration of Culture and Information, he spoke in the same context, promising a media donation to support the country and its people, detailing the developments of the media movement within the General Administration.

Mr. Elias Abdel-Rahman, Chairman of the Khartoum Journalists Association in the locality of Shendi, also spoke, linking the association's journey to the national goals and the missionary awareness of this sensitive stage in the country's history. He promised more efforts and thanked the people of the house for the warm welcome and generosity.

The atmosphere during the meeting was characterized by a spirit of joy and vitality, as the positive interaction between the participants reflects the strong desire to strengthen cooperation. The faces were full of surprise and joy, demonstrating the positive impact of the event. The social atmosphere that prevailed during these meetings expresses everyone's willingness to work for the common good. Constructive communication between the security services and the media is the basis for building a safe and stable society.

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