Security, Intelligence and Media Service in Shindi: Partnership, Twinning and One Concern in the Battle for Dignity – Maximizing the Peace of His Excellency Colonel Ahmed Farah – Scenes and Evidence – ✍️ Absher Shajarabi

Peace be upon you, people of security and intelligence

For those who take care of their thoughts

They were a balm and medicine for every soul

Peace be upon those who maintain kindness

It was like a cloudy and rainy day in life

Peace be upon those who have done good.

And leave behind the imprint and the fragrant memory.


The luxurious building located in Al-Zaeem Street *Ata Al-Sayyed Sayed Ahmed*, which was built using an aesthetic engineering method that pleases the spectators.

The headquarters of the Security and Intelligence Service, and in the past, when the name security was mentioned, the citizen was terrified!!!

But today, this old image and misconceptions about security have changed, the citizen has become a partner in the country's security and meetings have multiplied.


The garden of the security service building inside indicates an expert engineer in landscaping, which was the scene of the meeting to which the security colonel *Ahmed Farah* summoned the media and journalists during the family reunion honored by the brother, Mr. *Khaled Abdel Ghaffar* Executive Director, Chairman of the Local Security Committee, Media Sponsor, in the presence of Mr. *Babiker Al-Azraq* Director of the General Administration of Culture and Information.


The appeal was made by the Security Service (*Loyalty to the People of Giving*) to expatriate and local media professionals for the great and great role they are playing as a duty in the battle for dignity.


The tables were arranged in a beautiful geometric way, as was the beauty of this evening, characterized by transparency and without protocols, with melodies of enthusiastic songs and chants, and the participation of theater and theater people.

*Important expressive words*

An embodied speech ceremony in which the speakers stressed that the media and security are two sides of the same coin. The Director of Security announced partnership and harmony with the media and opened the door to his death to media professionals and journalists. the role of intelligence work towards the nation and citizens and said that this meeting had consequences.

Mr. Elias Abdel Rahman, President of the Association, emphasized communication and cooperation in everything concerning the country in harmony and coordination, highlighting Shindi's excellence in grassroots work.

Al-Azraq appreciated the role of the Security and Intelligence Service in protecting the country and thanked the executive director for his sponsorship of the media, its programs and his unlimited support.

*Executive Director*: He welcomed the initiative of the Security Service to call and honor media professionals, noting the joint effort, cooperation and coordination on issues of public interest and mobilizing the society in all fields and confronting challenges with the spirit of one team.


The members of the Security and Intelligence Service, including officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, God willing, formed a hive of activity, each vying to provide the service, and each knew his role in the high discipline.

In general, a tribute of appreciation and appreciation to those who defend the battlefield with the armed forces in a trench for the sake of the homeland in an imposed war waged by several countries, exploiting some traitors, weak souls and mercenaries among the people of the country, unfortunately, very unfortunately.

As promised, national media figures and journalists confirmed that there were security details and media reports.

We will come back.

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