The proof and the military option ✍️ Bakri Al-Madani

It is clear that President Al-Burhan did not find answers or guarantees to participate in Geneva, which is why he decided to refuse based on this logic, but the insistence on continuing to resist the Janjaweed with weapons has another basis, this is what Mr. Al-Burhan says. -Burhan mentioned in the meeting with journalists, stating that the army has *qualified its military units* and that the situation today is better than in the past.

Before, during and after this, several military statements were made that the coming days will see human beings coming from the battlefield.

It seems that the army, which was suffering from an undeclared siege on the arms market, has finally found a way to lift this siege imposed by the arms-producing countries, or that it has penetrated new markets, and the second is more likely. -!

The irony is that the parties that deprived the army of its legitimate right to obtain all weapons and ammunition intend to arm the Rapid Support Forces with all weapons, even those prohibited by international law, the laws of the Security Council and the United Nations regulations on militias. I have seen how the Rapid Support Militia is the only rebel force in the world that possesses weapons that are not authorized for other armies than regular armies. Many press and intelligence reports mentioned that the Rapid Support Militia sought before the war to possess an air force and a naval arm, not to mention that it actually obtained armored vehicles before the war and marches during the war!

Sudan's experience with siege and external bias towards rebel forces is not new, in light of a similar reality during the previous regime, in terms of military manufacturing to the point of sufficiency and export, even in the advanced field of weapons, such as aircraft and tanks, one of the comprehensive solutions today is to return entirely to this domestic industry.

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