Proof to China as President! ✍️Bakri Al Madani See More

Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan's upcoming visit to China is his second, as he arrived there years ago as a military attaché at the Sudanese embassy in Beijing, and it is the only foreign station where Al-Burhan has worked, according to what one of his brothers told me.

Al-Burhan generally travels little, has never left the Gandtu region except to study at the Military College, and has spent all his working years – with the exception of the China station – inside Sudan, notably in Darfur.

In Darfur, Al-Shartay Jaafar Abdel-Hakam, may God have mercy on him, told me that Al-Burhan loved to maintain delicate and complex devices such as stoves, mobile phones and watches, to the point that he would spend long hours on them. He spent hours finishing them, but he did not leave them unfinished in the end. I remembered this part, and Al-Burhan told us about the length of the war in a recent meeting with journalists. He repeated: “History is not about digging with a needle or using a long mind, but-!”

In China, Al-Burhan had begun his graduate studies at American University, during which time he mastered English in a way that astonished those who followed him years later in a meeting via Zoom technology with US President Trump – !

Today, the proof is that China has a president with knowledge, experience and old connections, and at a time when Sudan needs to reinvest in its relations with China, even with the return of the marches!

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