Minister of Culture and Information highlights role of media in strengthening societal security

*`Professor Mustafa Mohamed Othman Al-Sharif`*, Minister of Culture, Information and Communications of the Nile State, stressed the importance of the role of the media in raising citizens' awareness of security and strengthening the partnership between society and security services. This came during the opening of the regular media forum in the locality of Atbara, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Information in cooperation with the locality of Atbara under the slogan “Security is everyone's responsibility.”

The minister stressed that these forums are part of a partnership with the Academy of Security and Strategic Studies, with the aim of activating awareness programs aimed at building a society aware of the importance of security and stability, and increasing the sense of security. He added that the program targets all sectors in various localities, stressing the importance of supporting our armed forces and granting them all the attributions.

For his part, Mr. Osama Majzoub Al-Labib, Executive Director of Atbara locality, called for the need to refute rumors and provide insight into everything that is wrong in the society. He stressed the importance of activating the role of administrative committees in strengthening security, noting the importance of involving them in decision-making and taking the necessary measures to maintain security and stability.

Al-Labib highlighted a number of local security-related decisions, such as Emergency Order No. 16 on managing foreign presence, and Local Order No. 20 on controlling truck traffic and renting houses and warehouses. He called on administrative commissions to cooperate with security services to implement these decisions.

Al-Labib announced arrangements to begin forming community committees in neighborhoods to undertake the task of strengthening security in cooperation with regular forces.

In turn, *`Professor Zakaria Sayed Rashidi*`, spokesman for the administrative commissions, stressed the importance of the commissions in security and increasing the sense of security of citizens, and called on citizens to the need to cooperate with the security services and administrative commissions to maintain security and stability.

The speakers at the forum, representatives of the General Intelligence Service, Abdel Moneim Muhammad Hussein and Abdel Moneim Muhammad Al-Toum, stressed the importance of an effective partnership between society and security services to face security challenges. They stressed the need for joint cooperation to raise awareness of the dangers of drugs and foreign presence, as well as the negative impact of the random rental of warehouses.

The forum made important recommendations, including intensifying media awareness campaigns, strengthening cooperation between citizens and security services, activating the role of administrative committees in neighborhoods, and implementing local decisions aimed at maintaining security and stability. stressed the importance of concerted efforts to build a safe and stable society.

We note that the forum was attended by a number of government, security and media leaders, and with the broad participation of the heads of the administrative committees of Atbara, it was also marked by a broad participation of various media institutions, in the presence of Mr. Fateh al-Rahman Ghattas, Director of the State Media Department, and a number of media and journalistic executives, in addition to the active participation of Sudanese television, the state radio and television company, the local media of Atbara, the Nile network, and the Expatriate Media Association, which confirms the great interest in security and media issues in the state.

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