Involving the Northern State in Crossing Point Management Improves Coordination and Establishes Justice – Whispering the Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

I had already written through this space on the 19th of the previous month (August) about the activation of the electronic forms system (IM), which is an import form extracted from the Central Bank or commercial banks, which is considered a statistical system for controlling the import process and its impact on the welfare of the Sudanese economy, the local market and national security. A group of colleagues men and women with good opinions wrote to me about this, and there was a direct and prompt response from the government. Sovereignty Council, the Council having graciously appointed a higher committee headed by Major General Abdul Rahman Obaid of Customs, and composed of Brigadier General Dr. Dieu Dafa Al-Ghali appointed as rapporteur and representative of economic security, Mr. Jamal Muhammad Saleh as representative of the Ministry of Commerce, as well as a distinguished elite of representatives of finance, agriculture, health, specifications and transport.

However, the Sovereignty Council neglected to include a representative of the Bank of Sudan, let alone involve the Bank of Sudan in the work of the committee for emptying the passages to end the congestion situation resulting from the impact of the repercussions of the (IM) could have a major impact on the effectiveness and success of the committee, and this is because the Bank of Sudan plays a central and vital role in the financial and monetary system, and that is why coordination with the Bank of Sudan was necessary to ensure that financial and monetary policies are aligned with the objectives and decisions taken by the committee, and I believe that if the Bank of Sudan was not an integral part of this process, it could do so. The committee lacks some necessary information on some of the required financial controls, which may affect the effectiveness of the work and the results achieved.

The Sovereign Council also neglected to include the Northern State in this committee, which aims to solve the problem of overcrowding at the Erqin and Ashket crossings due to the repercussions of the new import controls, which is indeed considered a major problem for the State, especially since these crossings are located within its northern borders with the borders of Egypt, especially since the State is the body directly responsible for many aspects related to these crossings, if the State is absent and is not included in this committee, this could lead to several problems. Therefore, the State's involvement in the process will strengthen coordination and ensure that the problems are solved in a manner that is in line with the public interest and taking into account local aspects. However, the State government addressed the problem after learning about the committee. that he was authorized to add any person he thought fit, and His Excellency the Governor appointed Mr. Mohamed Awad, Commissioner of Passages and Twinning, to be a member of this committee.

It is also regrettable that the Sovereignty Council did not take into account the role of the media and was not included in this committee, especially since the State does not pay attention to the media and considers it as a complementary matter, and does not take into account the fundamental role that the media play in transmitting information and in communicating with the public, in order to enlighten and inform it of what is necessary. The inability to effectively involve the media will certainly harm the performance of this committee in the face of its challenges, especially with regard to the transparency of work, and this distance from the media will deprive the committee of public support, which will make it extremely difficult to achieve the desired objectives, which is why it was necessary to involve the media in a strategic manner to ensure the availability of confirmed information that strengthens trust between the State and stakeholders.

However, this committee has made every effort to make its mission for which it came a success, and despite all these obstacles it faced, the sovereign committee has provided everything possible and part of the impossible to overcome these challenges with the skill of its chairman and the pillars of its integrity, which had a good effect in the acceptance of the partners. The Department resolved this matter satisfactorily, which enabled the committee to carry out the tasks assigned to it without any problem.

The appointed committee, in accordance with the mandate, has been granted a maximum period of one month to empty the passages, end the state of overcrowding and deal with the repercussions of these new decisions. This means that there is a transitional or temporary period of one month. to reconcile the situation, during which customs clearance will take place according to the regulations that preceded the decision regarding the implementation of the system, and the period of this month will guarantee exceptions for importers for processing, which will facilitate for some of them. give them the procedures that will facilitate the resolution of the situation of overcrowding and the elimination of the effects of the resulting decision before the start of the new system during this month, which ends on September 22.

Such interventions are considered painful surgical operations, but they will contribute to the health of the economy if implemented in the required manner, and this will certainly be reflected in the general national income if efforts are combined to solve personal problems. commercial imports and reduce the chaos resulting from them, and Promote a smooth adaptation to the new system. I believe that the implementation of this system will benefit the general health of the economy of our country and therefore everyone must commit to implementing it in import operations. However, the role of the media will be necessary to publicize the benefits of these decisions.

And God is behind the intention

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