Sudanese money… destroys the Sudanese people!!! – Chemins – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine See More

Many political analysts and media think that America is not fighting Sudan with its own money, but is fighting Sudan with the money of the Emirates, and many think that the Emirates are fighting Sudan with their own money, as are those who think like America: but the Emirates are not fighting Sudan. With its own money, but Sudan is fighting with the money of the Dagalo militia (accumulated) in the Emirati treasures (gold bars) or with the money of Emirati banks and banks.

The Rapid Support Militia is not fighting Sudan with its own money, because it simply does not have any, but it is fighting Sudan with Sudanese money stolen from the gold mines of Jabal Amer and other mining sites, especially those belonging to the Rapid Support Militia. in addition to the investment companies that are based in the Emirates and from where they move to the rest of the world, it is an institution of Sudanese money.

This is Sudan's money with which the Sudanese people are being killed in the worst reality in the world.

All the off-road vehicles that the militias had and that participated in the war came from the money of the Sudanese people, and all the specific weapons that were in the hands of the Rapid Support Militia came from the money of the Sudanese people.

Even foreign arms contracts, whether concluded or not, such as the Bayraktar Marches deal with Turkey, for which early support paid off, came from the Sudanese people's money.

Even mercenaries from Mali, Niger, Chad and Central Africa came to Sudan to destroy Sudan. They came with the money of the Sudanese people.

The problem was therefore Sudanese cash which, as the Sudanese proverb says, (free money teaches theft), but this money taught (war) and greed for Sudan's resources.

Today Sudan is being destroyed by the money of Sudanese people and their relatives.

One of the lessons of this war is to preserve our quick-yielding resources, like gold and oil, and our slow-yielding resources, like agriculture and others.

Strict controls must be put in place to protect resources from attack, even by those responsible for them, as the Auditor General's reports revealed the extent of the attack on public funds in his annual report to Parliament.

Gold smuggling through ports and airports had facilitators in the language of negotiations, and people at the mining sites said the smuggling operations started from those mining sites. Authorities also arrested foreigners accused of smuggling gold into the Nile.

So that Sudanese money does not destroy the Sudanese people, does not destroy the country's infrastructure and does not turn these resources from a “blessing” into a “curse.”

These resources must be preserved and used for the benefit of citizens with more controls, particularly those working in mining sites.

And to develop legislation that protects public money from waste and reduces the scale of attacks on it.

The circumstances the country is going through require more decisive laws and legislation to return this money to its people, the Sudanese people.

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