Northern State Community Police Delegation Visits Dalqo Locality

This morning, a delegation of the state community police visited Dalgu locality, led by its director, Police Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim Zakaria, and in the presence of the executive director of Dalgu locality, Mr. Mudathir Sharaf al-Din, and the director of Dalgu local police, Colonel Khaled Muhammad Ali. The meeting discussed the role and importance of community policing and its activation in Dalgu locality.

For his part, the Executive Director of Dalqo locality, Mr. Mudassir Sharaf al-Din, said that the purpose of the delegation's visit is to establish community police offices in Dalqo locality and that the locality is fully ready to cooperate with it and support it by establishing community police offices in all sheikhdoms until it can in turn support the unified police, fight crime and prevent its spread.

For his part, the Director of the State Community Police, Police Lieutenant Colonel Ibrahim Zakaria, said that the purpose of the visit to the locality is to activate the role of community policing, which is a partnership between the police and the community. and its service under the slogan “security is everyone's responsibility”. in addition to the plans and programs of the community police of the local security service through community committees, collaborators and volunteers, indicating that the executive director of the locality of Dalqo welcomed the idea, responded and cooperated with it and supported its various programs. spoke about the cooperation and interconnection of the community in the locality, and he supports community policing in all programs and areas in addition to the cooperation of the criminal police of the locality with various community programs, such as the ongoing model programs. Mining Market 625 and Al-Baraka area, promising to provide an effective partnership with the local community to serve security and peace, he called on the youth group to join community service programs in the locality. He stressed the continuation of cooperation between the community police and the locality of Dalqo in the periods Before

For his part, the director of the locality police, Colonel Khaled Muhammad Ali, said that the purpose of the visit is to coordinate and organize with the executive director and the delegation of the community police of the state the activation of its role in the locality. were made to form the higher committee in the locality in addition to administrative arrangements, speaking about the importance and integration of roles between the police and society and the involvement of all community groups in community policing.

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