Honey Stone militia in River Nile State arrests two citizens, demands ransom – latest deal – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

In a new development of events and given the difficult financial conditions facing the oil refinery militias, they have recently resorted to kidnapping citizens in the Hajar al-Asal area, where they are widespread, and demanding a ransom in exchange for their release. Yesterday, in Morocco, two heavily armed Land Cruisers and individuals affiliated with the militia arrived at the Hilla market between Al-Dyoumab and Abu Taleh, and they carried out the arrest. I met two young men who were in the market and took them to their homes. and, belatedly, they released one of them in Hilla to ask them to bring a sum of 5 billion to release the other young man they were holding.

Now, given its need for money, the militia is resorting to a new trick: kidnapping citizens and releasing them in exchange for a ransom.

We all know that the living conditions of the Mwatina, in light of this war, are difficult, most of them are farmers and their income is limited, and the rest come from Khartoum because of this war, and their situation raises questions. Where do they find these sums demanded by the militias, who are always putting pressure on the Mwatina?

We ask God to help the people of Hajar al-Asal area in light of the lack of security and security chaos in the area where militiamen move daily with motor vehicles and armed vehicles.

We have already mentioned in previous articles that delaying the military decision and not releasing the oil refinery would have adverse consequences for the state and the region, but the situation has not changed, which has led to the aggravation and development of events that are intensifying and will inevitably lead to undesirable consequences in view of this terrible silence of the responsible authorities.

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