We Are All One Army – A Sphere Symposium on the Role of Media in the War for Dignity

The “We Are All Army” group on the WhatsApp application organized a Sphere symposium on “The role of the media in the war for dignity”. The symposium was opened by the group’s supervisor, Ali Shams Al-Falah, who stressed that the media. provides vital information on the developments of battles and military movements and helps the population follow events at every moment. We call on the state leadership to provide a full budget, just like the war budget, and the national media to be given a full budget. All international channels will be responsible for transmitting their information on Sudanese television. The group members discussed the discussion in a great spirit of patriotism and complete impartiality, and the deliberations resulted in overall results agreed by the participants, namely:

1- We call on the state leadership to strengthen the national media, determine a budget similar to the war budget, and make a decision so that all international channels obtain their information from Sudanese television, as it is the official reference of the media.

2- What is regrettable in the Sudanese case is the weakness of the media, which is the main reason that hides the truth of the battle and the tendencies to tip the scales. We see the calculations since the date of 04/15/2023. the one that has the decisive and dominant hand is the Sudanese army, with calculations of what the militias have lost in known positions, but in the absence of the military and civilian media. The weakness of the discourse of the official spokesmen, even if they are. are few, leads to a kind of boredom, boredom and frustration among the citizen.

3- Citizens must take ownership of the facts without cover-up, and it must be emphasized that the media must remain objective and transparent in covering the facts, which strengthens their credibility and helps gain the trust of the local and international public. The war is waged by the army and the people together against a force that usurps land and honor.

4- The media must strive to make the world aware of the truth about the conflict and the destruction that occurs daily in cities and villages, and to clarify the suffering that citizens are experiencing as a result of the war, including killings, looting, rape, occupation of homes and destroying hospitals, schools and infrastructure, so that the world can understand the truth and Rapid Support is classified as a terrorist force.

5- Specific analysts must be chosen and hosted in all local and international media.

6- Shed light on human rights violations and crimes committed during the War for Dignity, which could lead to holding rebel militias to account.

7- We call on the state to provide assistance to military correspondents in the various areas of {a modern mobile device + a modern video camera + a laptop with high and specific technical specifications} so that they can carry out their tasks and have a great role in revealing the secrets, plans and continuous movements of the enemy and in documenting the facts and information about the war.

8- Media plays an important role in the battlefield and can be a reason for victory or defeat, which leads to boosting the morale of the fighting forces. They are of great importance and have become advanced and linked to technology.

9- Media campaigns should be launched among the international public and international organizations with the aim that the militia operates outside the framework of the law and uses terrorism to destabilize the country, and social media platforms and international media can be used to achieve this goal.

10- The media must play a central role in encouraging Sudanese and international public opinion to support the armed forces in the victory over the Al-Dagalo militia.

11- Create a documentary program that includes a focus on the stories of the soldiers and the sacrifices they make to protect Sudan and the clarification of their victories in the battles against the militias, with a full emphasis on their commitment to protecting civilians and infrastructure.

12- We call on the Minister of Information to invite international experts in the fight against terrorism to conduct analyses and provide opinions on the nature of the rebel militias, which will contribute to forming a unified international vision to classify them as terrorists.

13- Organize a media campaign calling for national unity and emphasizing the importance of preserving the national territory. This campaign should include the presentation of messages of influential cultural and religious symbols.

14- We call for building international media alliances and establishing partnerships with international news agencies and newspapers to convey the true picture of the situation in Sudan, which helps to reflect the Sudanese scene to a wider audience.

15- Reports and awareness programs should be published on the natural resources of Sudan that the Sudanese can benefit from after liberating the country from the filth of the militias. This will be a strong motivation to encourage all those who left the country to return and think positively and enthusiastically to contribute to building the nation and benefit from its great wealth.

16- Emphasis is placed on regional and international cooperation. Emphasis is placed on the countries that participated in supporting the state and the armed forces during the War of Dignity. A program of cooperation with neighboring countries is being developed. Let us review their positions. Let us prepare an advanced program and plans with an emphasis on regional and international cooperation to support Sudan in this situation, overcoming everything that happened in the past until victory is achieved, and after that, every position has a test. .

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