The Apple of Affliction – Between the Lines – ✍️ Zulnurain Nasr al-Din, the lawyer

▪️The test for humans is one of the universally apparent laws of God. The test is not limited to anyone, even though its forms vary and its levels and the levels of people vary accordingly. No one claims to believe in God Almighty and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, except that he has a share in the test, he says God Almighty: {And the Messengers before you were denied, but they were patient in what was denied them and were hurt until Our help came. them, and there is no one to change the words of God}. That you enter Paradise, and when the image of those who passed before you comes to you, misfortune and adversity afflict them, and they are shaken until the Messenger and those who believe with him, say: “When will God give you victory? Indeed, the victory of God is near.

On the authority of Musab bin Saad, on the authority of his father, he said: (I said, O Messenger of God: Which people are most severely tested? He said: The prophets, then the best, then the best. The man will be tested according to his religion. If his religion is firm, his test will be more severe, and if his religion is gentle, he will be tested according to his religion, the affliction will continue with the servant until he walks on the earth without any sin upon him.)

This is a great affliction for the Sudanese people. We ask God to atone for sins and wrongdoings and to be steadfast in it. Only God is the Mighty, the Almighty, and He has provided us with reasons to get rid of this affliction.

The global conspiracy against Sudan requires from us determination, firmness, patience, unification of speech and popular alignment around the leaders. What is more serious is unity and collective opinion against those who are greedy and yearn for good things. around the leader and not submit, submit and follow the handful of agents and livelihoods and their proxy war against the people and their support for the rebellion militarily and in the media, and the rebellion has taken them as a tool to pass… Their agenda is to implant traitors and people with weak souls to destabilize, attack the internal social fabric, create conflicts and adopt empty slogans of demands, such as absolute freedom and personal independence, and fight against virtuous values ​​and remove them from the rising generation so that they rebel against religion, customs and virtues.

The Zionist-Masonic plan adopted by the Sudanese citizens who sold their conscience before their papers and disowned their compatriots without religious, moral or even human conscience motive, has written in blood the dead, the wounded, the widows, the orphans. misery, poverty, looting, plundering and violation of holy places. They are their adversaries before God on the Day of Judgment. They see it from afar, but we see it soon. And the divine promise is that the truth will triumph, no matter how. it takes time, this is God's promise to his servants

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