The Minister of Interior and Chairman of the Supreme National Council for Civil Defense arrives in Nile State to assess the extent of the catastrophic floods and confirms his willingness to bridge the gap. The Governor of Nile announces that the death toll is at its highest. the result of the floods is 61 citizens.

Major General Khalil Saerin, Minister of Interior and Chairman of the Council, arrived in the Nile State at the head of a large delegation of the leaders of the National Council for Civil Defense, in order to determine the extent of the torrential disaster that swept across many regions of the state. Immediately after his arrival, the minister participated in the joint meeting of the state security committee, the state government council and the state emergency room and civil defense leaders, in the presence and with the participation of the state leadership. Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, acting governor of the Nile.

The Federal Minister took pity on the souls of the victims of these floods and wished a speedy recovery to the injured and compensation to all those affected, stressing that the magnitude of the disaster was considered to be the greatest and exceeded all expectations, commending the tremendous and appreciated efforts of the State Government and the State Security Committee headed by the Governor to provide support and assistance and stand by those affected as well as organizations were quick to extend their support, indicating their readiness to fill the gap. The gap is due to the magnitude of the damage which is beyond the capacity of the State. He announced that through the National Civil Defense Council, they will continue their contacts with many national and foreign agencies and organizations to provide more shelter materials, food, medicines and reach all the affected people.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majid Abu Qarun, Governor of the Nile, welcomed the Minister of Interior, Chairman of the National Council for Civil Defense, and the accompanying delegation, stressing that the visit confirms the interest and position of the leadership alongside the citizen, especially in the days of adversity and disasters. He reviewed in detail the extent of the disaster and the significant damage that hit many areas, especially in the localities of Abu Hamad in Berber, in the Ubaidiya area and in the Umm Ali area in the locality of Shendi. and in some areas of other localities, he pointed out that the victims of these floods are so far 61 citizens, 29 injured, and that the total collapse of houses is 7 thousand and 44 houses, and the partial collapse is 4 thousand and 644 houses. and 75 government institutions and facilities have been completely affected. In the agricultural sector, 7,181 acres were affected and a number of animals, estimated at 911 heads, died. The electricity sector was also affected by the collapse of about 9 poles. his thanks and appreciation to all official and popular bodies and national and foreign organizations that provided support to those affected, and he expressed his thanks to the federal, state and Turkish Sudanese Red Crescent, as well as the King Salman Rescue Center and. what was provided by the Intelligence Service, the Armed Forces and the Police, in addition to the Ministries of Social Affairs and Health of the State. The Governor renewed his directives to the relevant authorities of the state and localities to work on the eviction of citizens. in fragile sites, low-lying areas and in flood waterways, and to work on planning model villages in safe places and locations to preserve their lives and property. The governor also stressed the need to take advantage of this year's fall and the abundance of water. the water harvesting program, by building excavations and dams, cultivating every inch flooded by rainwater, orienting all citizens towards agriculture and making the productive initiative of expatriates a success, by allocating four acres free of charge to each expatriate or expatriate family, for cultivation during the current agricultural season after providing them with seeds.

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