Mistakes that need to be corrected – from the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

After the war broke out in the country, many afflictions were revealed, some of which have been repaired, while others are still like buttons whose holes have not been repaired. Perhaps all these afflictions were caused by the one who led the militia and who possessed power. great influence on its implementation. Who does not know that since the beginning of the cursed revolution, there has been a strong alliance between Qaht and the first militia, the first militia took Qaht as its military support, and the second took Qaht as its army? wing, and I have already talked about this in a previous article, but at the time it was surprising and disapproving. It was a reading of reality and a prediction of what would happen in the future, and maybe it will happen.

The one who secretly adopted the decisions of the famous Empowerment Committee and forwarded them to the Sovereignty Council with approval is condemned… and the one who dismissed a thousand police officers is condemned, and the one who formed an impenetrable barrier in implementing the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court. to return them is the same pervert!… and the one who carried out the instructions is the fugitive who escaped in mysterious and silent circumstances. Until now, the silence of the graves after the price has been paid, the one who dismissed a number of honorable members. of the armed forces is the same man…

The militia leader was raised in the method of genocide and massacres, and perhaps all Darfurians know his dark history, and this was evident in the mass genocide and massacres that took place in West Darfur, in sight, hearing and trust. It was Hemedti who gave the green signal to the representatives of the Empowerment Committee to dismiss thousands of people from the civil service without Jarira, but he could not fight against the decision of the Sudanese judiciary at the time, and all those who were dismissed returned.

Some officials replaced the best with the least experienced, and unfortunately some of them still cling to that comma to this day.

There are state governors about whom only whispers are heard!!… and they are no longer stage men, and their presence is inappropriate. Some of them have failed, and some of them took office on the day of March (and). left a record)! On the other hand, there are governors who have proven themselves, stood firm and stood by the armed forces and wrote brilliant pages of patriotism and firmness.

From my platform, I watch… because I see that there are many mistakes that need to be addressed and resolved and not turn a blind eye to them because they contain injustice towards the oppressed and correct inverted images. The just leader must eliminate the injustice of the one who has wronged himself, even if it is against himself, and set things right… I advised you to zigzag before, and I advise you now…. Will my advice for tomorrow really be clear?

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