Sheikh Awad Taha and the bitter departure ✍️ Ahmed Ali Absher

Praise be to God Almighty, who praises nothing evil except Him.

The path to death is the goal of every living person, therefore his caller to the land of the earth is a caller

On a day filled with sadness, we announce our mourner from Cairo Al-Mu'izz, the man of stature, dignity and valor, Sheikh Awad Taha, may God have mercy on him, one of the leaders of the Ministry of Finance and Economy and one of the founders of agricultural markets. The news of his death fell upon us like a thunderbolt, and we can only say what pleases the Lord. With his loss, we have lost one of the men of justice and goodness that he had. passed away, and with him went wisdom, wisdom and good morals. She was virtuous, eminent, benevolent and of good conduct. Everyone in the Ministry of Finance, old and young, called him Uncle Awad for his elegant treatment. The deceased walked among the people with humility, love and love of doing good to people and providing them with help. Uncle Awad, as we liked to call him, would extend his white hands and give us wise opinions, and we used to consult him in all our public affairs. And we even joined him in dealing with our family problems because we knew his wisdom. Our office in the Ministry of Finance was at that time an important position among the positions of the deceased, the session and the good council, with the participation of Sheikh Mr. Ahmed Al-Amin Al-Majzoub, may God grant him health and well-being, the late Mr. Babakir Al-Zein, may God have mercy on him, and the late Hamid Ibrahim, may God have mercy on him, and he joined us several times in the plenary council, the late Radwan Ali Radwan, may God have mercy on him, and Mr. Ali Al-Atta, may God bless him with health and well-being and for others. In fact, these sessions were very enjoyable. We appreciate the stories of our Sheikh Ahmed Al-Amin Al-Majzoub, our late Sheikh Awad Taha and our late Professor Babiker Al-Zein, may God have mercy on him. of their experiences and experiences of life, and it is true as it was said that life is a school. The deceased was one of the few people who were accommodating and calm, and when I saw him, I was amazed by his appearance and character. big beard, and I thought he was one of the people of rigor, harshness and severity, but as soon as one approached him, one did not find sweetness, kindness and humor, because he was a storyteller, funny and salty. I remember that he was the director of one of the departments of the Ministry of Finance. We have one of our younger brothers who was appointed to the ministry and assigned to work under the command of the late Awad in the administration. asked me for help and asked to be transferred to another administration, even outside the headquarters of the ministry in Damar. When I asked the reason, he told me that the manager had a difficult appearance and that he was one of those who wore a beard and seemed to be strict. I reassured him and told him literally, you are lucky that your manager is our Sheikh, Uncle Awad. I told him to go to Barak, and in fact he went to continue his work. after a while to thank me and told me that, by God, he was very happy with the interaction, harmony and cooperation he had found and the advice, guidance and benefits he had obtained and the sincerity, dedication and impartiality he had received from Sheikh Awad. And the selflessness and love of everyone in the administration and outside for him, and the opposite of what he expected, as he told me, of rigor and impudence, and he found the spirit, the humor and the offer of all his help, he told me. “I found that everyone turned to him after God, so he treated us as a father would treat his children.” Indeed, he was the uncle of Awad, the virtuous educator, he joked with us and kept us company, and he did not. So that he could take the initiative and hasten, Hamama Masjid was one of the most eager people to perform the prayer at the appointed times with the group, from where the herald called, and he was one of the most numerous. passionate about social relations, his circle of acquaintances expanded at work and in his residence, and what testifies to what I say is that he integrated quickly into the Al-Dahmer community, unlike some other Brothers brought by devastating work. conditions, Atbara and the state. Uncle Awad's circle of acquaintances expanded, and he was a regular and you found him one of the first to arrive at opportunities for colleagues and acquaintances, in good times and bad. He, may God have mercy on him, was an encyclopedia, a repository of information and a close follower of what was happening in the arena, and we used him a lot to analyze and comment on the events that occurred at that time, the American-Iraqi war. and between Iran and the world and other political, economic and real events were taking place at that time. When I found the obituary in the family group of Dr. Ghulam al-Din Othman Adam's office, it was conveyed to us by. Brother Abdul-Ilah Hawayatullah, I conveyed the news to all groups in the state, introducing the deceased and his work in the Ministry of Finance and in the agricultural markets. The obituary received the interaction of everyone and they expressed their mercy for him, and many spoke of his deeds and virtues. Indeed, I knew the deceased closely and knew from him his sincerity, impartiality, honesty, concern for public money and his desire to possess knowledge and experience for those who accompanied him and for all. who took care of him. He was generous and available to everyone by doing justice, kindness and benevolence towards people, and he was eloquent. Our simple people, a loving man and quick to shed tears. because talking about the deceased does not do him justice. Such words do not do him justice, and it requires articles and even volumes. I failed to mention that the deceased was chivalrous and generous, as well as his house in Block 9 in Al-Damer. remained open at all times to receive guests from his family and others, and he was kind to his relatives and was kind to them, Glory be to God, when I conveyed the news of his death to his neighbors in Al-Damir and to him. his acquaintances, they burst into tears because of the good and efficient qualities that they knew about him. Likewise, people still remember his children with kindness. They were polite, respectful and appreciated all and their vision. , service and assistance to all. These are just a few of the many and the tip of the iceberg for the late uncle Awad Taha. My deepest condolences to his sons Mudathir, Muzammil and Taha, to all their honorable family. Dr. Ghulam al-Din Othman Adam, former governor of the Nile, to the deceased, his uncle, to his wife, as well as to the deceased, his uncle, to all the family and relatives of the deceased inside and outside the country, to the colleagues of the deceased and to those who knew his virtue. We only say what pleases the Lord, and to God we belong, and to Him we will return, and there is no power nor strength except with God, the Most High, the Great.

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