Glory to satak and gears – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

Ziva was affected by the screams of a woman in the north…

She cried, complaining of pain in the face of the evidence…

His speech is in the media, expressing our situation.

He said: “I addressed him with dignity, sadness, hope…

Ask him to listen and implement…

She suffered the humiliation of war and displacement.

Then he said, looking for solutions…

Stop the war, accept peaceful negotiations.

He, gentlemen, demanded all this…

It is he who said (Glory to the chains and gears)…

He rode on the horse of his blind authority.

The gears prevented passers-by from going about their business.

For hospitals and their needs…

This is harassment in the time of a miserable, playful idiot…

They prevented passers-by from passing by force or by law.

Burn your tongue with pride and ignore the law.

They imposed the influence of conspiracy, prowling, terrorism…

Help to ignite and fuel the fire of hatred…

Harf Al-Duqayr distorted the sentence and meant it exactly…

He lavishly glorified her and banned her criticism…

He encouraged them and gave them political fortification…

The expression means (weakness) that (there is no solution)…

You mean punish these people in the way…

Execute the decision so that it can open again


The country is sinking into a deep abyss…

People are tired of attributing barbaric behavior to them…

They have sewn together a framework agreement that implements their programs…

The rebellion is supported by the belief that they will not be able to keep pace with the force.

They heard the rebel's speeches, applauded her and sang for her…

They chanted: “It doesn't matter, we don't have an army.”

And (Kandaka ja police gra) they sang…

And (that is, we will not be afraid)…

And (blood means blood, we don't accept blood money)…

We are suffering from bloodshed, murder and chaos…

Did you rejoice when the ears of corn turned black…

Their jaws are crazy and they sleep peacefully…

Bless the fusion of the rebellion after ten years…

They agreed, with the rebel at the head of the Economic Committee…

By giving him economic power, they didn't say a word…

Al-Dakir did not demand the actions of the voice of reason…

When the roads were closed by his order in the cities…

At that time, they were blocking the search for a peaceful path…

They have not adopted a social contract that builds the nation.

It guarantees decent living conditions…

They did not direct the mind, the consciousness, they did not guide

With a sincere and serious will…

They used the tabs, gears and tires…

The alternative is war, beat the drum and threaten…

What is needed is reason and conscience…

They must govern it by raising their hands in the face of rebellion…

Far from its small regional supporters…

And he condemned them on the fourth day before the people…

Avoid employment, livelihood and submission…

Hanging on the curtains of the Kaaba, weeping over the sanctuary

This will not be accepted for them, because the punishment of death is fire…

And crawl on your belly and kiss everyone's hands

A mother whose son was martyred and will not be forgiven…

And sprinkle dirt from the tip of the head to the top

The bottom of the feet resulting from the rape of the silk…

And wipe with burnt and stained tongues

I'm on gear and no fuses are working…

The woman's screams worry them as they light the fire.

The rebellion plundered property, killed, exterminated and raped…

And destroyed, destroyed everything that was green and dry…

They are the ones who bear all the moral costs…

Because they control their transgression…

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