Morally Transformed – Balances – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

What afflicts our country, Sudan, to the exclusion of all other countries of God, is that it has people who are in the professions most beneficial to the people and most capable of leading them and reforming their affairs. a state different from that in which their peers around the world were trained, including politicians, journalists, media professionals, community leaders, administrators, economists, doctors, lawyers, owners of capital and other professionals…

In all parts of the world, from the lowest to the most remote, and in all corners, people are known to oppose the regimes and regimes in place in their countries, and they have become known on a global scale and have remained so. them, the opponent may be hostile to the government in place, but he does not turn into a dog that ravages the body of his country, however stupid he may be, and he does not turn into an enemy of an army of his homeland. as some of us are doing now…

Most, if not all, of those who attack the current government and the national army currently on the battlefield are attacking, criticizing, and even eagerly attacking to tear apart this army and the entire country, simply by claiming that the army is the army of Kaizan, that the leaders are Kaizan, that those who run all the affairs of the country are Kaizan, and that those who fight the rebellion and the oppressors are Kaizan, want to restore their power.

Some people are doing the above actions and openly fighting the country and the citizens, like the Madibo and Daglo families, and some of the oppressed and have benefited from another claim, that the one who governs is the State of 56, which must disappear. irrevocably, and the lineage of those who belong to this State must be extinguished. This is about the people of the center, the east and the north, and to stop the classifications of some sick people.

All these people, according to the above two categories, are what can be called the morally transformed people and those who have renounced all morality except that they are, for the most part, those who have benefited the most from the state of 56 Cal Madbo and the regime of Kizan and Salvation, like most journalists, politicians, lawyers and businessmen who dominate the media platforms and are inspired by stories and anecdotes, which helps them and others to put an end to this regime and this army, whatever it may be. …

Among these Al-Halaqim are those who benefited from the Salvation Army and the Islamists, unless others who stand in the ranks of the homeland and its preservation have benefited from them. Those who were enlisted and placed as constitutional figures, those who were arrested secretly and publicly, and those who were not injured are the most visible and the most blatant, and the most hostile to the Salvation regime and the Islamists, and those who worked with the armed forces, were arrested and got into their cars. for them until recently, or they also worked for others, and with the ability of a capable person, they turned into enemies of these forces and accused them of being ideological, disavowing everything they took from them or gave them.

All these politicians, journalists and other morally transformed people are the root of this country's affliction and the basis of its calamity. This is because they are people without morals, and those who sense them sell positions and are loyal to whoever pays. They have become a commodity in the market of God is Great, owned and used by whoever pays the most.

We are not among those who excuse the Salvation Army or the Islamists with whom we worked as professionals and who worked with them and who, during their rule and according to their laws, took what we did not take. But we were raised not to deny the one with whom we lived and with whom we were satisfied one day, and we were taught not to betray the one with whom we ate from the same vessel, and between whom we had salt and salt, and we were taught that the opposition does not One day you will challenge the army and work to replace it with another army, or in this way that they practice, and that changing government regimes is not aimed at destroying the entire country, but rather by following the experiences of the predecessors and imitating those who mock our opposition, which does not differentiate between the nation and the government and does not care whether it reaches the headquarters with stupidity that destroys everything or with excessive stupidity in everything.

May God help everyone

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