Friday Asmar – Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 Last week was the most significant for the Eagles of the Air among the heroes of the armed forces, as they attacked the positions of the terrorist rapid support militia in several areas of El Fasher, El Daein, Khartoum and Omdurman, and they achieved great success in advancing the army and lifting the siege of the Janjaweed. We salute the Eagles of the Air, the watchful eye, the firm hand and the protective force of the pride, dignity and magnificence of Sudan.

0 The dismissal of the Director General of Taxes of the Justice and Equality Movement, Dr. Jibril, Minister of Finance, caused a shock within the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Finance after the approval of the Sovereign Council, according to the information received. The dismissal decision will make the position of the Minister of Finance difficult, especially since he considers that the tax director has obtained a significant increase in income that exceeds many previous years. Do you think that the Minister of Finance will resign because of this dismissal? Or will he manage to convince the sovereign to review the decision and put the leader back to work?

0 on the occasion of the dismissal of the Director General of Taxes. What happened in the decision taken by the Minister of Interior to place the Director General of Customs, Lieutenant General Hasab al-Karim, under house arrest at his home? It is known that the team, according to Al-Karim, has achieved the highest success rates in managing this vital and important economic facility. Count before you are held accountable, because injustice will be darkness on the Day of Resurrection.

0 What will be America's reaction after learning that the terrorist militia liquidated an employee of its embassy in Khartoum, in the eastern Nile region??!!

0 Precautionary measures in the face of the cholera epidemic have been announced by the executive director of the locality of Dongola, with a total closure of the large market in order to fill the stagnant water ponds, spray pesticides and clean the dumps. The local director also announced that the market would be closed from Sunday afternoon for a week. The decision came at its time, and in return, citizens must be sensitized to their solidarity with the Ministry of Health in cleaning the neighborhoods through emergency teams and young people. We ask God to be good to the country and the people.

0 I saw on social media a video clip showing some members of the militia torturing a girl of no more than six years old, beating her painfully with whips, without mercy or qualms of conscience. The clip is a heinous crime that adds to the crimes of the terrorist militias, and it must reach the United Nations, the UN Security Council and human rights organizations. !!

0 Brigadier General Muhammad Hussein, one of the heroes of the armored battle, was martyred at the site of operations while defending the land and honor and doing a good deed. He was the one who said either victory or martyrdom, and God chose him as such. a martyr next to him with the two friends and martyrs, and he made him a good companion. Condolences to his bereaved family who responded to the news with firmness and courage. We belong to Allah and to Him we will return.

O God, we ask you, on this good and blessed Friday, to accept our supplication with your hand that extends if the reasons are narrow, in your hand is relief when the vice is tight, and at your command is sustenance if sustenance is limited. . We ask you not to deprive us of your grace and mercy. O God, relieve our distress, make our affairs easy, reunite us with our loved ones, remove affliction from us and remove distress from us. You are worthy of response and capable of everything.

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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