China-Africa Summit…. Warnings from the UN Secretary-General regarding external debts ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The African continent is considered one of the largest continents in terms of economic and human potential and resources, thanks to specialized scientific studies prepared by scientists and experts in all fields.

Regional interest, competition and international interest in the African continent did not arise out of separation, because of its security, political and economic importance and status.

Despite this great interest in the African continent, he has not taken advantage of it and used it to his advantage, because the majority of the population of the African continent still succumbs below the threshold of poverty, ignorance and disease.

The majority of those at the forefront of leadership in the African continent do not care about the interest of their people but rather focus on their narrow personal interests. Therefore, they have not and will not succeed in managing these assets in a manner like me.

Wars and conflicts have paralyzed the African continent, exhausted its strength, weakened its defeat, broken its forces and pushed it away from the circle of attention.

Many summits have been held, the African-American summit and the China-US summit, and through these summits many joint agreements have been signed, but unfortunately they are not implemented on the ground, and so these summits are useless, worthless and futile.

If wars do not stop on the African continent, it will be impossible for it to experience growth and development and to move forward at a rapid and steady pace.

Sudan participated in this Chinese summit and signed many economic and military agreements with the Chinese state, but the biggest challenge remains their implementation on the ground, given the exceptional circumstances it is experiencing due to the war.

The majority of African countries are burdened with debt and it is extremely difficult to obtain new loans unless the old ones are repaid. That is why the United Nations Secretary-General's speech at the summit was clear and frank about this issue, and external debts will remain a stumbling block and a formidable obstacle for some African countries.

It was expected that the Chinese state would officially announce the cancellation of some or all of its debts, thus reaching the stage of “resetting” and thus opening a new page of cooperation with African countries.

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