Tokar…. Conflicts are the lady of the situation ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi See More

The town of Tokar is located 160 kilometers south of Port Sudan, where it is home to the largest agricultural project with an area of ​​406,000 acres. The project is irrigated by the seasonal Baraka River, which originates on the Eritrean plateau. in 1869, during the era of Turkish colonialism.

Tokar agricultural project is characterized by high soil fertility, as it does not require artificial fertilizers and produces the best natural agricultural products based on cereals and various types of vegetables.

The main problem that the project has been suffering from for a long time is the lack of clarity in the administrative vision, because its question has not been decided clearly and conclusively as to its affiliation, whether federal or state, and this question has been a major contributor to the failure of progress.

The second problem that the project suffers from is the sterile and traditional mentality of the self-appointed leaders of the landowners and owners of the project, who have been an obstacle to progress due to these mindsets that do not think outside the box.

The spread of the mesquite tree, which covers about 70% of the project area, has hampered the development of the project, and traditional methods of controlling it are still in force, leading to the spread of this cursed tree.

After the decision to dissolve the federations and unions, the Tokar agricultural union no longer has a name and they have no right to speak on their behalf and collect funds and support from the government or others.

It is customary that every year the water level of the Baraka River increases or decreases in proportion to the amount of rain that falls on the Eritrean plateau, the source of the river, but what is abnormal is the lack of early preparation for irrigation. plan to benefit as much as possible from the irrigation of all agricultural areas of the project so that it does not become a threat to drown the city.

Conflicts between the old guard of leaders who consider themselves the legitimate, permanent and undisputed representative over time, and the new guard of an enlightened youth with the firm conviction that the old guard is a source of affliction and a source of crises and evils. They cited the project as a source of destruction and made it waste, and their position says (the old guard does not advance and does not let people advance).

With my respect and appreciation for the enlightened youth of Tokar who want to develop and develop their city, I appreciate their honesty, sincerity, impartiality and love for their people, to abandon the language of betrayal, criminalization and conspiracy theory, and to distance themselves from the hostile and eradicating discourse that does not serve their cause, but on the contrary hinders it, complicates it and gives it a personal character that goes against the essence of the problem.

Unfortunately, all successive governments that have ruled the Red Sea State, despite all the enormous financial capabilities, have been totally unable to open the road to the city of Tokar, especially the 17-kilometer-long entrance to the city.

We hear that the budget for this road is allocated every year, the company that will build it is announced and the ribbon is cut by the top government officials. Unfortunately, the situation is still the same and the suffering increases day by day.

The Port Engineering Company was entrusted with the task of paving the road at this critical stage. I imagined that this company had human and logistical capacities and accumulated experience in the field of engineering, and I was optimistic about its ability to meet the challenge, but it disappointed hopes and entrusted the project to subcontractors who lacked the most basic scientific and technical elements.

The Port Engineering Company is fully responsible for this deterioration and neglect that has occurred on this road, and it was supposed to complete this task in record time before the Baraka River flooded.

The Engineering Ports Company must be held accountable for its failure to fully fulfil its role, and it must review those with whom it subcontracts to fulfil its role on its behalf.

The Federal Ministry of Finance is required to review the financial payments it submitted to the Engineering Ports Company for the completion of the project, by assessing and evaluating its performance on the ground.

The country is in a state of war and a state of emergency has been declared in the state, and emergency orders are being issued 24 hours a day to and from the Red Sea State. It would have been better to take an emergency decision to seize all the heavy machinery. specialized in opening sewers and draining water and directing it to the city of Tokar.

The fact that the State Security Committee is present at the scene of the event is not enough. Serious concrete measures must be taken to open the road by various means, and there is nothing impossible under the sun.

I appreciate, I appreciate and I congratulate this national epic for the state security services, the police, the army and the general intelligence, for delivering humanitarian aid on foot to the city of Tokar. It is a beautiful and heroic work similar to this one. heroes of our regular forces, recognized for their sacrifices.

Storing humanitarian aid in New Tokar and assigning an officer to supervise it is an unsuccessful administrative decision. This aid can be damaged due to improper storage, so it must be delivered as quickly as possible to the affected people.

The executive director of Toker locality, Salah Al-Sharif, was completely unable to handle the crisis due to his lack of experience in crisis management and his inability to activate youth organizations to make a breakthrough.

The Sudanese Red Crescent Society, led by Secretary General Aida Al-Sayed, has deployed all its financial, logistical and human capacities to save what can be saved.

The helicopters that land in the city of Tokar for the purpose of providing humanitarian aid and evacuating seriously ill patients and elderly people are small in size and their contribution is simple. We need large helicopters to carry large loads that can contribute significantly. better way.

There is a serious shortage of flour for making bread, and what is available so far does not cover the needs of citizens. There is a need for urgent intervention by companies working in this field.

I have heard, as others have, that there is a committee of 100 people headed by the leader of the Habab tribes, Hamid Kantibay. I wonder what he is doing. I have also noticed that there is a committee of 10 young Tokars. Is there any coordination between the Committee of 100 and the Committee of 10??????

The expulsion of citizens to the new city of Tokar is one of the proposed options. It is better to consider this issue from the mental side, away from emotions, feelings and nostalgia for the past. We are children of today and life is constantly evolving. , and the one who does not develop is overtaken by the time factor.

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