A campaign led by the governor of the north – scattered fragments – ✍️ Dhu al-Nourin Nasr al-Din al-Lawyer

Humanitarian crises worsen in times of war, security disruption and conflict, particularly when diseases and epidemics emerge.

The impact of the spread and infection will be multiplied for several reasons, including the lack of availability of necessary medical aids, high transportation costs, scarce flow of medicines and overcrowding of the population, all of which are direct causes of the rapid spread of infectious diseases and epidemics, in addition to the destruction of health institutions and infrastructure, migration of personnel and low state financial revenues, all of which are the main reasons for the worsening of crises.

The effects of epidemics, diseases and disasters will be more devastating to societies than the victims of direct massacres. The Northern government has therefore given priority to this health campaign and has exploited all available capacities for this purpose, with dual national participation. and international organizations (for something in Jacob's soul)

That is why the governor of the northern state, with the participation of the popular resistance, led the campaign under the slogan (Together to create a healthy, clean and safe environment).

The Popular Resistance has participated with all its committees and work teams in all localities, administrations, villages and neighborhoods, providing real support to the campaigns of environmental sanitation, hygiene, awareness raising, health education, filling of ponds, removal of dirt and dumps and spreading. It is clearly evident that the Northern Resistance preceded many entities and facades in consolidating the concept of civil support and reviving its role in peacetime situations. In addition, it strengthens its national role by representing the communities supporting national governments in fulfilling the slogan (the state of society and the society of the state), while preserving and paying attention to the fundamental military aspect.

The overpopulation of the Northern State has doubled beyond the available capacities due to the war, which requires the development of an emergency plan to face any health problem with the necessary precautions and the mobilization of popular energies and efforts through the social systems, which are represented by the popular resistance.

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