Federal Ministry of Health: Reveals Opening of Merowe Airport for Entry of Humanitarian Aid to Citizens of Darfur States

Federal Minister of Health: Three containers of medicines sent to hospitals in East Nile.

The Ministry of Health affirmed its commitment to providing health services and delivering medicines to hospitals and health centers in citizens' residential areas throughout the country. It revealed the delivery of medicine shipments to the areas controlled by Rapid Support, where three shipments (containers of medicines) were sent to Khartoum State, a locality in Eastern Nile, alongside air cargo to White Nile and Blue Nile States and the process of dropping to El Fasher city.

During the press conference held today, Monday, in the lobby of the Social Security Hotel in Port Sudan, regarding the health situation, the minister conveyed the assurances of the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, that the government is committed to opening all channels for humanitarian aid for citizens around the world, revealing a directive to receive humanitarian aid for citizens of Darfur states through Merowe airport, as it is the nearest airport.

Haitham reassured citizens that the availability of medicines has become better than before and that the intention of the Transitional Sovereignty Council to provide twenty million dollars to the Medical Supplies Fund for imports from abroad will achieve a certain degree of abundance, while the country's total need for importing medicines from abroad after the factories were shut down due to the war amounts to 500 million dollars per year, he added, that we are focusing on essential and life-saving medicines, and that we are keen to distribute supplies to hospitals and health centers, and that the Ministry. The support of the Ministry of Finance continues and six billion pounds sterling has been allocated per month to combat cholera. He added that a new agreement was signed with the Secretary General of the Drugs and Poisons Council, and he added: -Sudan will deliver 71,000 tons of medicines. and serums as part of the World Health Organization's commitment, and two planes will arrive today and tomorrow.

The minister expressed his thanks to the health personnel, despite the difficulties in delivering medical aid to hospitals and health centers. He said that there are health institutions and hospitals that are working to treat citizens in the area under the control of the Rapid Support Militia. and they have continued to provide this service, through airdrops and through tribal leaders and their sons who have delivered medical supplies to them.

Haitham noted that specialized medical services have seen a qualitative boom in stable states, orthopedic surgery departments have been opened and cardiac surgeries have been performed at Marawi Hospital and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, where 15 surgeries have been performed, in addition to 300 gastrointestinal and renal surgeries. Surgery has been restored and the ministry has now made arrangements to begin kidney transplant operations in the city of Port Sudan. Two cardiac catheterization machines have been installed. The cost of each machine is over $750,000, with support from the Federal Ministry of Health. Finance.

Haitham Ali described that the fight against autumn epidemics, such as cholera and dengue fever, as well as the emergence of eye diseases and malaria, is a worrying issue, pointing out the high rate of cholera infection and that it requires interventions from society through raising awareness among citizens. and the implementation of health and food safety obligations and requirements, he added, we have started the interventions of the Action Organization, in order to speed up the procedures with the governors, a major role must be played for the introduction of the oral cholera vaccine. The arrival of 402,000 doses provided by the World Health Organization has been approved, and they will be distributed in the states of Kassala and Gedaref, in the cholera region of Wad Dalhalio, and added that the epidemic trend of cholera is on the rise.

On maternal and child health, the minister said the ministry supports maternity wards and midwives, the strategy to support critical supplies, highlighting the suffering of

Children cannot get food and malnutrition cases have more than doubled, and children continue to suffer from acute malnutrition cases in some areas, he added, that the Ministry of Health was monitoring malnutrition cases due to the starvation policy and road closures by militias, and that there are humanitarian violations in the Zamzam camp, where the entry of humanitarian and medical aid has been prevented from reaching them, and that polio vaccination has reached 100 percent, he continued, saying that the ministry has monitored many violations and prepared a health record and a security law.

Regarding the visit of the Director of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom said that he was contacted during the war and met with him twice, and the director of the organization assured us that he communicated with international organizations to increase support for Sudan and shed light on its problems and interests, recording a vote of thanks for sending a message from Sudan, the largest humanitarian health disaster, and that its main objective was to summarize the messages of the opposite. Knowing what war is is not a war of two generals, and that quick support has turned into a war against Sudan. citizen /, and violations of citizens' rights and the collection of 11% billion dollars /, and the recognition of Sudan's sovereignty through the Federal Ministry of Health, added that the ministry's priorities are to support health, Sudan, the international community, $ 2.7 billion, and 47% have fulfilled it and that we need $ 4.6 billion to meet real needs and increase the support allocated to Sudan.

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