Iran Resumes Cooperation with Sudan in Working on Shindi Nile Water Station

Iran is expected to resume work at the Shendi station on the Nile after a hiatus that lasted more than a decade for several reasons, including the cooling of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the political, security and economic conditions prevailing in Sudan.

It is planned that the Shendi and Matama Nile Station, financed by an Iranian loan, of which ten million dollars remain, will operate, with a production capacity of up to (50) thousand cubic meters per day, distributed between Shendi and Matama.

Shindi Water Director, Consulting Engineer Walid Mahjoub, said that about (16) containers are expected to arrive from Port Sudan port within a week or two, carrying the equipment to the plant construction site after the completion of customs clearance and shipping procedures. He added that a team of engineers has arrived in Port Sudan from the Iranian company responsible for implementing the plant. The rest of the work team is expected to arrive in the coming days.

Engineer Walid Mahjoub, the district's advisor, said that there are agreements with some regional organizations to implement the conveyor line in the locality of Shendi, which extends south to the area of ​​Bant Al-Ahmeda and north to Al-Musikatab Hillat Al-Sheikh, in addition to designing a special water network in the city of Shendi.

He stressed that the Support Committee, headed by the Executive Director of Shendi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, and the popular support, are doing an excellent job in removing obstacles at the station site and providing the necessary services, including electricity. , and preparing the construction site for the start of work without obstacles. In order to complete the work in a short period of time.

The photo is of the first work team of the Iranian implementation company arriving in Port Sudan.

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