Special Action Forces Commander: Sudan is going through a great tragedy due to war and floods, warns rebels and their supporters

Port Sudan:

The Commander of the Special Action Forces, General Mohamed Abdel-Hafiz Oqla, said that the Sudanese people are going through a great tragedy due to the war that broke out between the lines of the framework agreement, and that floods and torrents have increased the suffering of the Sudanese citizens.

In a limited press release, General Oqla stressed the need for the international community and charitable organizations to provide a helping hand through official state agencies, and said that the continued looting of humanitarian aid by rebel militias and the prevention of reaching those who deserve it means providing more support under the guise of aid.

Oqla sent a strong message to the rebels and their supporters to respect the Sudanese people.

Oqla closed the door to all parties supporting the militia and said: There is no room for reconciliation with those who displaced the Sudanese and drowned in their blood, and we promise our honorable people to take revenge on all those who participated in the rebellion and supported it, even with a word.

He added: Sudan was closed by order of the Sudanese people, both internally and externally.

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