In response to the concept of state 56 (3) – A whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*I saw your post yesterday in the (Whale's Thorn) section, in which you talked about the conflict that broke out between the center and the margins after independence under the leadership of Dr. John Garang, and I forgot that the beginning of the revolution of our southern brothers began in the year 53, and you mentioned that the dispute between the foreigners and the djellaba, or the so-called indigo band, was directly caused by the priority of education, as if it were only envy and hatred. , then I mentioned the proposal to declare the independence of Sudan in the Parliament in December 1955, in which the meanings of heroism, prestige, courage and patriotism devoid of partisan benefit were evident to the two great masters, Mr. Al-Nazir Abdel-Rahman Dabkeh and Mr. Al-Nazir Mushawar Jumaa Sahl, where the former stood facing the enemy with his head held high and in a loud voice: “I want my country, a free and independent Sudan. he repeated it, and the others remained silent and lowered their heads, except for one large head, the latter repeating: “I support my brother's proposal and I want a free and independent Sudan. This is the truth. Do not strip yourself of emotions and political affiliation, my brother, in order to infringe on the rights of others, because they are heroes, not political heroes. Your mention of their names is abstract, as if they were agents of the enemy, which undermines their identity. If we do not respect them, we do not respect the nation. The nation comes first, no matter what is happening now.

*Finally, it should be known that the conflict between the center and the margins is a conflict between political elites and not a conflict between the people and the people. All Sudanese parties are marginalized, in the west, the east, the south and the north, and there. There is no problem between the people of the West and those of the North, the South or the East. They are all free Sudanese citizens. They have what you have and what you have to do with them, politician. I ask all national elites, if they have an ounce of patriotism left, to stop this cheap trade that is eating away at the body of the people every day…

I ask you and the media to be messengers of peace and not supporters of war for the sake of the homeland and the people only?

Your brother

*Maqbool Al-Shami*

*Sennar State, Abu Hajar City*

Half a fork

*Brother Maqbool Al-Shami, out of conviction to listen to the opinion and the other opinion, I publish your response to what you wrote, but most likely you did not understand what you wrote and your response is far from what I wrote. discussed under the title The Concept of State 56. What pains you is that I wrote the name of the main Dabke without writing a word in front of M., and we say Omar, Abu Bakr, Othman and Ali, and we. say the names in an abstract way without introducing the word M. Does this diminish their importance in general? I opened the door to a discussion on the concept of the state of 1956 and how to address imbalances and eliminate injustice, and you did not provide us with an answer. topical proposal, but rather you wanted to write just for the sake of writing*.

A quarter of a fork

*If we want Sudan to speak out and win in truth and not as a slogan, we must open the files that remain silent, the first of which is the concept of 56 states*.

(email protected)

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