Federal Minister of Health: Conference on Development of Health Services in Eastern States of Sudan is a pause for review, improvement and launch

D. Haitham: We have no party, no political colour, no personal interest. As leaders, we must fear the Lord of the worlds and be responsible to our society.

Director General, Ministry of Health, Kassala State: Collective thinking is necessary to solve health problems and combat epidemics.

Representative of the Beja Graduates Conference: We hope that the conference will come up with recommendations for the development of medical institutions in the Eastern States.

Director of Health Sector in Red Sea State: The conference comes at a difficult time and the health sector is facing many challenges.

Gedaref Health Representative: The state has a large number of displaced people from other states, but despite the rain, they continue to struggle to get health services.

Director of the National Health Insurance Fund: The region's health capacities must be linked to those of other states to provide medical services.

The Federal Minister of Health, Dr. Haitham Muhammad Ibrahim, the ministry is in dire need of holding this conference at this time to pause and review the work and performance and evaluate the work in the health sector to move forward, by developing plans to solve health problems in the Eastern States and the rest of the states of Sudan, which indicates that some people are wondering whether the conference is a priority in light of the current war and the spread of the cholera epidemic and epidemic diseases. These people see the issue from a superficial perspective. And those who see it being held at this time are cautious and believe that the health problems we are currently suffering from, such as epidemics, can be solved, he added, that the conference is a pause to review the work and evaluate performance. To move the wheel of work forward with momentum, he added that we need partnership and commitment from the society and the governors.

Haitham said in his speech at the conference for the development of health services in the three eastern states of Sudan today, Wednesday, at the Arquit Resort, that they are working to manage the health system away from any political charge to make the conference experience a success. stressing that they have no party, no political color, no personal interest with Zul and that they are not afraid of promotion, but that as civil servants, we are afraid of the Lord of the worlds and that society must hold us accountable by virtue of our responsibility. for health – he said – and he added that we, as ministers of health and directors of departments in the ministry, are experts and specialists in health and we know how to work in the fight against epidemics, but we have a partnership and commitment from the society and the governors of the states, and he dismissed his position by making his contribution to the development of the health sector.

The representative of the Conference of Elders of Beja, Dr. Ali Awah Abu Ali, we hope to comprehensively develop our medical institutions in the Eastern States, whether they are health, preventive, curative and rehabilitative, or environmental sanitation, from family health to specialized diagnostic centers, indicating that the issue This requires a strong political commitment, in addition to mobilizing the community, partners and organizations to increase and allocate funds to improve equal access to high-quality medical services and care as well as reduce the financial burden. He added that this requires strong participation from the population. local communities, stakeholders and others to identify problems, challenges and solutions for the implementation of health projects in coordination with the Eastern States of Sudan for full coverage of health services. He continued by saying that the poorest groups and marginalized people need health care and pay the financial cost. for this through health insurance services.

For her part, the Director of the Health Sector of the Red Sea State, Minister of Health, Dr. Ahlam Abdul Rasoul said that the conference comes at a difficult time and the health sector is facing many challenges, noting that the Red Sea State and the Eastern States bear the burden of receiving and treating displaced citizens from the affected states.

Ahlam stressed that they aspire to greater support from the Federal Ministry of Health and that efforts should be intensified to address the problems facing the health sector, stressing that the conference is an opportunity to exchange experiences and reach recommendations that push the health sector to provide good medical services.

In the same context, the Director General of the Ministry of Health in Kassala State, Dr. Ali Adam said that collective thinking is necessary to solve health problems and combat epidemics, and that health policies must be activated through partnerships with organizations, stressing that the health situation in eastern Sudan and Kassala State requires major interventions from the Ministry of Health and collective efforts. Thinking of dealing with the wave of watery diarrhea and cholera, he added that for the first time, the three eastern states are meeting to discuss their current health situation and develop solutions. This is an opportunity to present the problems and find solutions, and that health. The problem in the eastern states requires analysis and in-depth thinking. He continued by saying that we assure Kassala State that we will implement the outcomes of this conference.

In this context, the representative of the Director General of the Ministry of Health in Gedaref State, Dr. Bashir Al-Nour Al-Bashir said that Gedaref State has a large number of displaced people from other states, and despite the rain, they continued to have difficulty obtaining health services, stressing that his ministry continued to have difficulty providing them with medical services, adding that this is one of the major problems that citizens suffer from in these circumstances, even though the state hosts national centers and develops specialized health services.

In the same context, the Director General of the National Health Insurance Fund, Dr. Farouk Nour Al-Daim, said that funding must be increased and activated to purchase medical services through the Fund, which requires developing policies to increase comprehensive coverage for all citizens and include them in health insurance services despite the lack of sufficient resources. The region's health capacities must be linked to those of other states to provide medical services to citizens.

Nour Al-Daim pointed out that the percentage of outlets providing medical services decreased due to the attack of the Rapid Support Militia, from 3,600 outlets to 245 outlets, while the total number of outlets providing this service reached 900 points of medical services provided through health insurance, stressing that a brick must be put in place to build a flexible health system based on the provision of health services, comprehensive coverage and the activation of all packages provided by the Fund.

The paper discusses the current health situation in the Eastern Sudan region in the three states, epidemics in Eastern Sudan and ways to combat them, as well as programs to improve community health and prospects for improving it.

It covered the specialized scientific working papers submitted by the three states (Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref) and focused on the health situation, the epidemiological situation and the provision of health and specialized services.

The conference will end tomorrow, Thursday, in the presence and on the honor of the Vice-President of the Sovereignty Council, Malik Aqar, the governors of the three states, as well as several ministers, ambassadors, United Nations agencies, health actors and partners.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that the aim of the conference is to confirm the health partnership and the various health support efforts of international communities, friendly and brotherly countries, associations and international organizations working in the health sector.

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