South Kordofan Police Director Reveals Features of Plan to Secure Agricultural Season

Police Brigadier General Moataz Mohamed Ahmed Kediro, Director of Police in South Kordofan State, revealed the comprehensive plan that was developed to secure the agricultural season and make it a success in all governorates of the state. Kadiru reviewed the features of the insurance plan for the governorates of the state, which included several axes, including securing the agricultural season by opening trails, securing nomads and securing agricultural projects. He stressed in his speech while accompanying the Governor of South Kordofan on an inspection tour of the seed resettlement project in the Bardab area of โ€‹โ€‹Eastern Rif Governorate that the plan requires an intense security presence from the armed forces, police forces and security and intelligence services. He stressed that currently there are joint forces deployed in all agricultural sites in the state, operating in the form of rafts and outposts that traverse all sites, believing that the success of the insurance means the success of the state in the agricultural season.

The state police director assured farmers that the agricultural projects would see the light of day with strict assurance from the state security committee. Calling on farmers and herders to work consciously and rationally to avoid friction and interference. Stressing that there will be no courtesy in any violation committed in accordance with the emergency law in force in the state.

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