Specifications (knocking on all doors)… Awareness programs underway in Gedaref

The Director General of the Ministry of Education and Guidance in Gedaref State, Mr. Al-Fateh Al-Safi, praised the important and growing role of the Sudanese Authority for Standards and Metrology in protecting the consumer, raising their awareness and preserving their rights, in addition to its role in protecting the national economy.

This came while he was speaking today at Abdul Rahim Taha Girls' Secondary School in Gedaref Municipality on the launch of the “Standards that Knock on Every Door” program, organized by the Authority in cooperation with the ministry under the slogan (Towards a More Informed Consumer).

Al-Safi confirmed that his ministry stands with the authority and opened the doors of all schools in the state to implement this program until it achieves its overall goals.

The Director General of the Ministry of Education and Guidance acknowledged the many challenges facing the current school year and said that when the Ministry made the decision to open schools, it was aware of them, but it bet on overcoming these challenges with the patience of male and female teachers, families and educational councils.

He added that despite this exceptional academic year imposed by the circumstances of the cursed war, the attendance rate of teachers and students exceeded ninety-three percent, asking God for the victory of our armed forces so that the educational process stabilizes.

For his part, the Director of the Sudanese Authority for Standardization and Metrology, Gedaref Branch, Engineer Abdel-Hay Ahmed Idris, explained that the specifications program addresses each section that falls within a series of awareness programs implemented by the Authority at the presidential level and was distributed to states with the aim of educating all segments of society on consumer rights and how to avoid dealing with goods or services that do not comply with specifications and standards.

He said that the Authority, despite the war conditions, continued its work in all its activities and programs, whether in the field of awareness raising, control of exported and imported goods, or inspection of services and industry, all with the aim of protecting the consumer and the national economy.

Abdel-Hay stressed that choosing schools to implement the Touch Every Door Specifications program will save a lot of effort and time in conveying these messages to all families through their students in schools.

Welcoming the response of the Gedaref government, represented by the Ministry of Education and Guidance, to this program and its concern to knock on all the doors of public schools without exception, given the great benefit that the program will bring to students and their families.

Ask God to grant victory to the armed forces and the forces supporting them in the battle for dignity in order to restore security and safety and achieve stability.

The Director of the General Administration of School Activities of the Ministry of Education and Guidance in Gedaref State and the Director of the Girls' Secondary School Abdel Rahim Taha spoke at the program, Professor Mohamed Abdel Karim Bishara from the Department of Media and Public Relations in Gedaref State. The Sudanese Authority for Standardization and Metrology presented a lecture on consumer rights, focusing on rights related to education, which included: The lecture included questions and competitions, with which the school's students interacted and received immediate prizes.

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