Egyptian ship arrives at Port Sudan port carrying 200 tons of humanitarian aid

The Undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of Health received Dr. Ismat Mustafa, the Acting Governor of the Red Sea State, Lieutenant General Mustafa Mohamed Nour, the Commander of the Sudanese Air Defense Forces, the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Sudan, Hani Salah, and the crew of the embassy, ​​a humanitarian aid ship provided by the Egyptian Armed Forces, the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Endowments and the Egyptian Red Crescent, carrying 200 tons of medicines and foodstuffs, arrived today, Saturday, in Port Sudan and docked in the northern port of Port Sudan.

In statements to the press, the Undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of Health, Commissioner Dr. Ismat Mustafa said that the receipt of medical and humanitarian aid provided by the Arab Republic of Egypt, including medicines and medical consumables, amounted to 7 tons out of the total 200 tons of cargo of the Egyptian ship Abu Simbel 2, registering a vote of thanks to the Egyptian presidency for the assistance it provided to the Sudanese people in their recent crisis following torrents and floods, and it continues to provide it.

Dr. Ismat explained that the aid is intended for the Red Sea and Northern States, stressing that it will be delivered to its owners who need it.

For his part, Lieutenant General Mustafa Mohamed Nour, Acting Governor of the Red Sea State, said: We in Sudan know very well, and many countries know this, that the oldest relationship between two peoples is the relationship between Sudan and Egypt, which is why the people of the Nile in the north and south are named, indicating that the reception of the Egyptian ship in the northern port carrying relief, medicine and food, does not surprise the Egyptian people. He added that many things have happened recently, medical equipment from the Egyptian people to the Sudanese people, and we say to the Egyptian brothers, thank you very much, and we thank Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his government and the great Egyptian people for every period of support and assistance to their brothers in South Valley.

In the same context, the Egyptian Ambassador to Sudan, Ambassador Hani Salah, said that the ship that arrived today in Port Sudan was carrying 200 tons of various materials provided by the Egyptian Armed Forces, the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Health and Population, the Ministry of Endowments and the Egyptian Red Crescent Society.

Hani confirmed that this ship left under the directives of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and under the supervision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces, and that President El-Sisi has repeatedly said: we only have each other, and he directed us by saying: “Take care of Sudan.”

Hani explained that the cargo will be distributed according to the vision of the Sudanese government and that what Egypt provided to Sudan has a natural role for Egypt and that Egypt and Sudan are one country, stressing that the Egyptian mission continues to grant visas to Sudanese with direct instructions from the Egyptian political leadership, noting the arrival of one million and 200 thousand Sudanese citizens to Egypt after the war in Sudan, he said that Cairo continues all initiatives related to Sudanese affairs.

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