White Nile Customs and Anti-Smuggling Forces Launch Third Phase of Support to War Effort

This morning, the White Nile State Customs and Anti-Smuggling Forces, led by the Customs Headquarters in Kosti, inaugurated the third phase of support to the war effort, consisting of providing medicines to the wounded of the Karama battle at the Military Hospital.

This was in the presence of Major General Jamal Jumah Adam, Second Commander of the Eighteenth Infantry Division, Brigadier General of the Police, Dr. Muhammad Nasr Abdullah, Director of the Central Region Department of the Customs Authority, and Dr. Al-Rashid Muhammad. Health Advisor to the Command of the Eighteenth Infantry Division.

Major General Jamal Jumah Adam, Second Commander of the 18th Infantry Division, praised the fact that these inaugurated medicines and medical supplies represent real support and support to the armed forces in light of the circumstances the state is suffering from as a result of the closure of roads. They are considered one of the pillars of treating the wounded and sick in war. His Excellency appreciated the great role it played, the Ministry of Interior and the Customs Forces continued to share it in support of the war effort. of the armed forces and other security agencies in the battle of Karama

Meanwhile, Brigadier General of the Human Rights Police, Dr. Muhammad Nasr, Director of the Central Sector of the Customs Forces, praised the efforts of the armed forces and other regular forces in defending the nation's protectors in the battle of dignity, indicating that the inauguration of the third phase of supporting the war effort comes in the continuity of the series of efforts of the customs forces to support the war effort and provide medical assistance to the wounded in the battle, Al Karama explained, that the medicines are distributed to a number of police and military hospitals in the state in order to provide integrated medical care to the wounded and citizens of the state.

Especially since this support comes in application of the directive of the Ministry of the Interior to support the war effort and to treat the wounded and injured in operations, which is considered one of the priorities of the customs forces towards those who are on the front lines, and it is support number fourteen at the level of the Ministry of the Interior and the third at the level of customs and the fight against smuggling in the White Nile State, which was delivered to the Kosti medical weapons hospital.

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