In a spacious house and a spacious plot…in (Qaddo) we were – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

Breaking the routine, renewing the mind, changing places, making acquaintances and the company of the glorious, all these and other factors help to acquire a new spirit to give back to the person some of his lost energies, his weakened physical form, his activity that had slowed down and his mental presence that was affected by frequent storms and needed to be renewed, and travel was one of these treatments.

Travel, the benefits of traveling are numerous

Gain knowledge and relieve yourself in the company of Majid.

This is also why vacations are important for those who work daily without insomnia, without exhaustion and without fatigue. This is why vacations are important for the benefit of work and for the benefit of the worker, because they renew the spirit and the desire to work with new. morale is a positive and additional point in favor of work.

Because the work of journalism and media in general is “hard” and is not “limited” by time or place and does not end in a semester, as in the case of education, or after the end of the doses of medication, as is the case in treatment, it is always in need of renewal.

Journalism is the business of finding “problems,” and it is also the business of finding “fatigue.”

Since the war broke out in Sudan, people have not caught their breath and everyone has remained in a state of suffering, searching for security, safety and stability, searching for ways to live decently and searching for alternatives to all that is lacking from the war.

The media, like others, are affected by prevailing conditions, whether at the professional or individual level.

And the Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi, which provided its best efforts and expertise in the city of Shindi, the land of civilizations, improved the format of the media message and increased the quality of the content. those of credit and people of justice. And throughout the past year or a little more, the Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi has done an excellent job and an important job so that the media message takes on a purely national dimension. the pillars of security and safety, supports the armed forces and strongly reflects the normalization of civilian life in Shendi, ably led by the executive director of Shendi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh. This is essentially a message to the enemies, traitors and agents that life does not stop and can continue. Despite the security conditions, the message was received and the goals were achieved.

This effort should have been appreciated and respected, and it should have been exchanged (friendship) for (friendship). This is the invitation that the Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi received from the director of the Shindi Security and Intelligence Service at the agency's headquarters. It was (an hour), but it took (a thousand) hours of fatigue and exhaustion, and before the Association woke up from the state of renewal initiated by the Shindi Security Unit until the Association received an invitation to the garden. in the same way and with the same characteristics and similarities from the commander of the Third Infantry Division in Shindi, Major General Hamdan Abdel Qader Daoud, in which he expressed his great thanks and gratitude to the media and the Khartoum Media Association in Shindi for their efforts. The media had a significant impact in canceling the efforts made.

Before the expected invitation of the Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, arrived at the Association, as a culmination of these invitations that came in honor of the media and media personalities, Sheikh Hamid Ahmed Al-Bashir issued an entertaining message and social invitation to the media personalities from Khartoum to Shindi for the Qaddo region in the land of civilizations and antiquities of the Bagrawiya and Meroitic regions. To renew the spirit and morale, these hours that the members of the association spent in the shade of the fruits of orange trees, grapefruits, mango trees and palm trees, which blocked the sunlight except the leaves and the shade of generosity, were what they enjoyed as food with a sweet taste, including lamb, which was cooked several times in baskets and sometimes on a baking sheet and a kebab, among the things they were accustomed to. The soul was craving it, and the oriental sweets had a delicious presence and fruits on the sides if you were so inclined, and coffee was not absent, for it was fried coffee, and it was among the sips on the lips that gave weight to the mood and adjusted it immediately, even if it was a little twisted.

Melodies and melodies between patriotism and sentimentality have seeped into the public consciousness, and the interaction was great because (Saddam), the artist, was creative in choosing and collecting pearls in modern times, so adults abandoned (dignity) for a moment, and gave it a touch of sweetness and beauty.

Yes, it was a day that removed the rubble, the fatigues of war and the worries, and restored brilliance and splendor to people who were in dire need of this recreation and renewal of spirit.

Thanks to brother Hamed Ahmed Al-Bashir, who massacred, massacred and showed up without delay, and thanks to the members of the Kabushi Media Association who organized the trip and were creative. Thanks to them, without any arrangement, to Abdul Majid Al-Kabushabi, Muhammad Ahmed Al-Kabashi, Najla Al-Taher and Al-Badri Hashem Muhammad Hussein Al-Fahal.

And thanks to the chairman of the Khartoum Media Association on the Nile, Dr. Nawal Khader, who came from Al-Damer to be present among the subjects and people of generosity and hospice.

Thank you all for this wonderful day.

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