The Fight of the Donkey and the Elephant – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

United States of America This country, a continent of diverse races, religions and cultures, is only three centuries old with an area exceeding nine million square kilometers and a population of four hundred million inhabitants since its discovery by the traveler Columbus and to. today, there are only two political parties: the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, and their symbols are the donkey and the elephant, and the electoral conflict is between the donkey and the elephant, and there are constants between the political components based. on the principle of respect for the constitution as the supreme authority. For them, the constitution is sacred and one of its clauses cannot be circumvented. Then, American national security is the responsibility of all, and the voter for them does not vote so much for the party. while he votes for the proposed program that serves the interests of the citizens. These days the American elections are taking place that will end next November*.

*America, as a country, is not governed by the president alone. Rather, there are institutions and decision-making centers that set the supreme policies of the state in economics, foreign relations, national security, defense, and all the affairs of the country. The president cannot go beyond these policies, add to them, or subtract from them (Shoula). All he has to do is implement the policies. And then there are institutions that place the right person in the right place, and there is no room for what is called a political appointment in any state institution. The person derives his value from what he offers to society, each in his own field of specialization, and you do not find a person in anything other than his specialty, and there is no politician. who lives on the glories of his fathers or relies on historical rights and the American is the one who says here I am and not the one who says he was my grandfather or my father*.

* Then there is individual responsibility before the law. There is no authority over the law in America, and no one dares to intercede for an accused person. So it is a shame that they have no cases of financial corruption. and shame for a public official to reach out to public funds or take a bribe or (a commission), as long as there is some. Out of respect for the atom of humanity that exists in man, all things are under control and everyone has his right, no matter how much*.

* Lying is considered the worst of all faults, especially that of politicians. Therefore, there is no politician among them who makes a lot of promises and does not keep his promise, and there is no politician among them who stands on a platform and insults people in the open air, then lets them know that he is lying to them, and if he lies to them, the people will punish him in court, as happened to the president when former American Bill Clinton lied to the American people by saying that he himself did not have a romantic relationship with the American White House intern Monica Lonsky, this distorted his image and distanced him from the political scene, even if he had not lied to them on other issues*.

Half a fork

*Personal freedom is considered an inherent right of every individual in American society, and the degrees of evaluation vary on this aspect, but for the American people as a whole, individual freedom ends where group freedom begins, which is a freedom governed by law and protected by customs and traditions, taking into account respect for the beliefs and worship of groups and individuals. There is also freedom of the press, of expression and of going out in demonstrations of rejection or support in what does not exceed the authorized limit, it is the Union. The States of America, which are only three hundred years old, a country of miracles, wonders, curiosities and laws, a country of human respect for humans and respect for the law. They do not care about your color, your sex or your religion. Rather, they care about the knowledge and qualifications you possess and what you offer to America.

A quarter of a fork

*The important question remains: who governs America, and the answer is present: America is governed by morality, governed by law, and protected by the Constitution*.

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