She confirmed that the youth were alongside the army. Hawa Idris: Our goal is to connect the Nile to keep pace with developments.

The Head of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports in Nile State, Hawa Mohamed Idris, praised the distinguished performance of the General Administration of Youth and Sports in Shendi locality and the appreciated efforts in implementing programs that contribute to supporting and assisting the armed forces in the battle of dignity, she said during her visit to Shendi locality to learn about the performance of the Youth and Sports Administration and the problems and obstacles it faces. The minister stressed the importance of activating youth and community sports. She renewed her ministry's keenness to sponsor training courses that contribute to increasing the capabilities of young people.

Meanwhile, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, Executive Director of Shendi Locality, stressed the importance of the role of young people at this stage and their preparation for construction and reconstruction. The Executive Director stressed the need for community partnerships that support the productive process and. finding sources of funding for young people in order to achieve sustainable development. He asked the Youth and Sports Administration to develop ambitious programs and plans that meet the desires and aspirations of the youth, while Muzammil Sayed Ahmed, Director of the General Administration of Youth and Sports in the locality. , referred to the plans and programs implemented by his administration, especially in terms of training courses in the fields of customs training, airport work and first aid, in addition to a number of sports courses in support of the armed forces, as well as He also stressed the need to provide young people with agricultural land, provide seeds and establish cooperative societies to establish processing industries. to produce and be productive, as well as to prepare a strong youth, capable of leading the country.

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