Making leaders ✍️Taha Haroun Hamed

Creating leaders:

Creating leaders requires a set of skills, experiences and qualities that develop over time. The main steps in leader development can be summarized in the following points:

Education and training:

Education: It is necessary to provide potential leaders with quality and comprehensive education, which includes technical and managerial knowledge.


Includes the development of leadership skills such as decision-making, team management and problem-solving. Through groups that manage reconciliation work and bring points of view closer together, such as Al-Ajaweed, Al-Qalad, Al-Rakouba, Al-Dhara and others

Practical experience:

Practical experience:

Providing individuals with opportunities to take on leadership roles, even modest ones at first, helps them gain the practical experience needed to develop their skills.

Orientation and guidance:

Mentoring: Leveraging the expertise of seasoned leaders by providing guidance and mentoring can have a significant impact on the development of new leaders.

Mentoring: Guiding individuals through past examples and advice from successful leaders can be helpful in improving understanding and stimulating personal growth.

Feedback and continuous improvement:


Provide periodic assessments and constructive feedback that help leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses and work to improve their performance.

Continuous improvement:

Encouraging leaders to continually learn (knowledge from the grave until God willing) and develop personally improves their ability to adapt to new challenges.

Successful Charismatic Leader:

A successful leader who possesses charisma combines a set of qualities and skills that distinguish him and make him influential and inspiring. Here is a description of this character:

Vision and inspiration:

Vision: He has a clear and ambitious vision of the future, and the ability to communicate this vision clearly and to others. He stands out from others in certain skills.


Motivates others and pushes them to achieve greater goals through personal example and ideas.


Self-confidence: He is characterized by great confidence in his abilities and decisions, which reinforces the confidence of others in his leadership.

Ability to communicate effectively:


He has strong communication skills, is able to express his ideas clearly and inspire others through his words and actions.


Shows genuine interest in the opinions and ideas of others and listens to them with an open mind.

Empathy and emotional intelligence:


He demonstrates an ability to understand the feelings and needs of others, which helps him build strong, trusting relationships.

Emotional intelligence:

He has the ability to effectively manage his own feelings and those of others, which helps to create a positive work environment.

Ability to make decisions:

Decision making:

Makes sound decisions even under pressure and is able to effectively assess risks and opportunities.

Model and integrity:

Role model:

He works according to high principles and values ​​and sets a good example in his behavior and actions.


It is characterized by its integrity and transparency, which strengthens its credibility and the trust of others.

A charismatic leader is not only one who leads effectively, but also one who inspires and motivates others to succeed.

We ask God for success

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