Sovereignty Council President Addresses Virtual Presidential Summit – Global Call for the Future Summit

Port Sudan: 09/17/2024

The President of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, participated in the virtual presidential summit “The Global Call for the Future Summit”, which aims to discuss the positions and visions of countries in preparation for the future summit planned. which will be held at the United Nations on September 22-23, is the summit that aims to develop an international charter for the future, which addresses… Themes: sustainable development, international peace and security, science, technology and innovation.

The President of the Sovereignty Council delivered Sudan's speech at this international event, which addressed many topics, including the following text:


In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful

*Speech by the President of the Sovereignty Council*

*At the Global Call for the Future virtual summit*

It is with great hope that I address you today at this historic summit on the future of global cooperation. We in Sudan are today on the threshold of a new phase in light of the suffering of our citizens under the scourges of the war that has been imposed. We see in this summit an opportunity to restore confidence in the United Nations system in order to strengthen international cooperation.

The future charter that we seek to formulate today must serve as a road map for countries that suffer conflicts due to the interference of certain countries in their internal affairs, and we need a strong international commitment to prevent this interference and to criminalize and hold to account those who do it.

First: we believe that the Charter includes effective mechanisms to hold accountable States that initiate conflicts and to take measures to protect States from the escalation of such conflicts.

Second: we stress the importance of transitional justice and national reconciliation, as the charter must provide a framework to support these processes while respecting the privacy of each country.

Third: We need international support to build strong national institutions, and our experience in Sudan has proven that institutionalism is the real guarantee of stability and development.

Fourth: We must focus on empowering women and youth and involving them in the reconstruction process, because these vital sectors are the key to real change, and we need international programs to support their education and training.

Fifth: We stress the importance of regional and international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organized crime. These challenges know no borders, and we need a coordinated global effort to confront the transcendent ethnic terrorism that targets the State, infrastructure, services and health facilities of our country.

Sixth: We call for strengthening cooperation in the field of innovation and scientific research, especially in the fields of agriculture and renewable energy. These areas are essential to achieve sustainable development in Sudan, which will necessarily be affected by climate change and the impact of the war of aggression against the country's economy.

Finally, we stress the importance of respecting state sovereignty while strengthening shared responsibility, and we in Sudan look forward to international support that respects our national choices and helps us recover and achieve lasting peace through national ownership.

Your Excellency President, Sudan's experience in overcoming the stage of war and beyond represents a true test of the effectiveness of international cooperation. Let us make this charter an effective tool to help countries emerge from conflict and build a better future. will be a success for the entire international community.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you, United Nations

May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.


*Speech by the President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council at the Global Call for the Future Virtual Summit*

It is a source of hope that we are meeting today at this historic summit on global cooperation,

In Sudan, we are today on the threshold of a new phase in light of the suffering of citizens due to the ravages of the war imposed on them, and we believe that this summit is an opportunity to revitalize confidence in the United Nations system to strengthen international cooperation.

The Charter for the Future that we seek to formulate today will serve as a road map for countries suffering from conflicts resulting from the interference of some countries in their internal affairs. We need a strong international charter to prevent such interference and to punish and hold accountable those who commit it.

First, we believe that the Charter should include effective mechanisms to hold accountable countries that trigger conflicts and take measures to protect countries affected by these conflicts.

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