Delaying a military solution constantly leads to international interventions – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

We have always called, in previous articles, to the point that we have lost our voice, not to leave this situation as it is without a military solution and to free the strategic areas from the grip of the militias, which has contributed to increasing the internal and external crisis. Our story is true. As soon as Sudan emerges from one of the machinations of the international community cooperating with the militias, we will fall into another dilemma, in light of the lack of resolution of the military situation. the investigative committee formed by international institutions is trying to besiege the armed forces and the country by fabricating facts and events, if it were not for the providence of God and the support of some countries friendly to Sudan, something undesirable would have had consequences. happened.

This misleading and fabricated report of recent days is considered the beginning of future scenarios that will have serious consequences for the country and its security.

The armed forces must be recognized for resisting with courage and bravery throughout this period of the war, in the face of this militia, armed with modern weapons and supported at the international level, in a vast international conspiracy against a country considered a member of the European Union. these international institutions that claim neutrality and integrity, but this falsehood has been revealed and has become clearly evident in the case of Sudan with this rebel militia and its mercenaries, these same institutions participated in this crime by ignoring the violations and not condemning the countries participating and supporting the militias despite the presence of evidence and proof, is thus considered an act of international terrorism in a clear move to adopt the law of the jungle.

To break this impasse and prevent the international community from intervening in internal affairs under many pretexts, the military leaders must, at this stage, act militarily to resolve this rebellion, which will lead to blocking the ways and pretexts through which these countries interfere in Sudanese affairs.

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