Our diplomacy and the race against time – Reports – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

There are about forty days and two days left for the UN to vote, through its one hundred and ninety-three members, on the recommendations of the commission of inquiry, which has shown a tendency to fail to achieve justice and realize rights, starting with its equality between the armed forces and the army of Sudan, known since the recent establishment of the State and until ancient times when it was known for its Sudan Defense Force and between a militia that started a rebellion and ended up being an international mercenary force with funding, weapons and fighters…

The five recommendations, which came to consecrate this militia and legitimize its presence militarily and politically, were declared by the Sudanese Attorney General as the result of limited meetings and interviews with people whose number was limited and did not reach one hundred and ninety people in any case, and they are counted and classified as those who support this invasion and external aggression against the land and people of Sudan…

The Attorney General also said that Sudan needs the support of twenty-four countries from the United Nations member group to invalidate the effectiveness of this committee and its recommendations and to abandon all draft resolutions based on the adoption of these recommendations…

The required number is not large compared to the total number of members, but… is the world the same world, the organization the same organization and the consciousness the same consciousness, or have politics, power and money become the strongest in influence, overwhelming and capable of transforming positions in the blink of an eye and turning yes into no, and vice versa scintillating??

In this age of axes, interests and daily changes, it is no longer possible to secure positions or rely on old friendships and relationships as much as it is to rely on the immediate interests gained by standing with or against you on this or that platform. …

Our leaders have so far hesitated to resolve many issues related to foreign relations, and our diplomacy has been distorted and failed at the international level due to the ambiguity and lack of resolution of these issues, which may not lead to resolving the battle to vote in favor of Sudan. …

As we started by counting the remaining days, we will conclude with this number, which are days that we believe are sufficient for a diplomatic approach preceded by high steps to resolve the pending files. Then, diplomacy advances in all its arms between countries and influential parties to crystallize the decisions of these countries, clarify the point of view of Sudan and first denounce the lies of this committee, and then work in various ways to gain more support for the Sudanese cause…

May God help everyone

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