The Challenges of Harmony Among State Institutions – Whispered Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

The lack of harmony and harmony between state institutions can be one of the biggest obstacles to work, especially in such complex circumstances that our country is going through as a result of the war. It is certain that the lack of coordination and integration between institutions leads to problems. weak implementation of policies and procedures, which has a negative impact on stability and economic growth, which is why we call for the implementation of unified windows in order to improve coordination between government institutions in order to increase efficiency and the ability to better face national challenges. efficiently and to simplify the procedures of citizens.

We always see that the intersection of policies between state institutions can create a state of chaos and confuse the beneficiaries of people who have transactions related to multiple institutions such as export, import, investment and other procedures that do not end with a single institution, which leads to the loss of rights of many people. Their movement is limited by conflicting policies between different institutions, which creates a conflict in objectives and procedures, disrupts coordination and can lead to delays, increased costs and loss of confidence. citizens.

More often than not, vested interests can be a major obstacle to effective policy implementation, even if visions are identical across institutions. Individual or collective interests of some employees or groups can lead to hindering the actions of beneficiaries by influencing the way policies are implemented. This can create obstacles to the flow and coordination of work across institutions and lead to unexpected or less effective results.

When a subordinate employee in a particular entity raises an issue due to his personal interests or enters into subjective preferences, which negatively affects decisions and obstructs the policy implementation process due to the lack of transparency of procedures, lack of internal control and accounting systems, and lack of professional standards. Which prevents the influence of personal interests.

We sometimes see that some security agencies pose an additional obstacle when they adhere to laws that are difficult to implement in the current circumstances. These laws may be incompatible with reality or not flexible enough to deal with emerging challenges, which leads to some difficulties in complying with laws that are not adapted to the current circumstances, which creates problems in their actual application and security procedures may be in place. in some areas, the economic situation is not appropriate, which increases the risks of complications, which leads to delays or obstructions in some economic activities.

It can be said that the most important aspects of the challenges facing Sudan today lie in the unstable nature of its human being, or rather in the management of human resources, and in dealing with institutional issues without seriousness, away from personal interests and corruption. If these issues are not treated seriously, they will hinder progress efforts and lead to poor institutional performance.

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