The first team, the hero Abdul Rahim Muhammad Hussein, is a model… Al-Wathiq Al-Barir: A mass of disappointment and slimy words – Kabawiya – ✍️ Dr. Omar Capo

++ No successful program presenter, no matter how powerful his statement, how magical his language and how many words he possesses, will be able to present the boring, confident and innocent scoundrel in any other capacity than that of the ((very)) impudent husband of Zainab Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi.

++ He is nobody, even though he belongs to a large family. He has contributed a lot to Sudan in various economic, academic, social, religious and sports forums, because his brothers have distinguished themselves in all distances of life, and he and his wife have taken a “light” behind the wall overlooking the expanses of the vast homeland from this narrow angle…

++ There is no other evidence than this, except for the article that was published today in his name and entitled: The National Conference and the Miscalculations and the Losers, an article that shows very clearly that he was influenced by the method of the “Daughters of the Mahdi”, in their blatant hostility and their frantic and losing race to antagonize the Sudanese people against their Islamic opponents, from which he was not spared. In addition to discontent, hatred and obvious political destruction, they chose to isolate themselves and present him as a scapegoat to continue their humility and madness with their idiot brother, the great corrupt friend, who was caught red-handed in times of war, hunger and displacement at Addis airport for smuggling dollars and gold…

++ This article is miserable enough that its title itself, in terms of form, is cumbersome in pronunciation. The repetition of “waw” takes away its eloquence, imposing a state of verbal complexity that is difficult for a mindless person like that. It's up to him to understand…

++ I am not talking to you about this, but rather about a paragraph in the article that contained a sufficient number of inaccuracies for you to judge him, his wife, and his leader in his party, and in his dryness/dwarfism ((God honors the listeners)) his malevolent being which is similar to his wickedness and his evil and miserable nature…

++ The paragraph read: ((The National Congress corrupted the judicial system, making the judicial institutions incapable of prosecuting criminals. On the contrary, many escaped punishment through the jurisprudence of dissolution and fled to other countries))…

++ One paragraph is enough to transform this slimy and viscous being of her words and her husband into a brazen person God has removed the noose of modesty from her, a scum of the scum of creation, the most contemptible of them all, a creature who is not ashamed of God as she is ashamed of those who have the highest prestige, her masters in the dryness of iniquity…

++ If he had an ounce of modesty, he would remember that in the era of drought, his corrupt entity, which took over his General Secretariat, ushered in the worst period that justice has ever known since independence until today…

++ We saw with our own eyes how the rude judges led the political processions, chanting the students' slogans in reprehensible shouts and cries that drowned out the chants of “revolution”.…

++ During her reign, we saw the Chief Justice open her office to ignorant lawyers who presented her with a list of dismissals of ((331)) judges, then she responded to them with humility and humiliation, signing the decision to dismiss them without batting an eyelid…

++ During his reign, the office of the Chief Justice was transformed into a political club in which elections were held to establish a political club for judges who could decide how and when they wanted, in defiance of the independence of the judiciary…

++ During his reign, the corrupt Empowerment Committee was established, which stripped the judiciary of all its powers and jurisdictions, imprisoned, banned and took people's money without right or legal justification. On the contrary, it practiced all kinds of oppression until it achieved its goal. to the point of whipping, beating and degrading the honor of the prisoners…

++ This is sufficient corruption for this committee to have expropriated the ownership of real estate, property that was protected by law by making the right to exercise the change of registry a right of a single body, which is the judiciary, which is not contested in this right by any other authority, whatever it may be, high or low, whether it is a legislative or executive authority, even if it is the President of the Republic…

++ During his reign, the judiciary was disoriented and the Empowerment Committee practiced arbitrary political detention for this reason. The pure, pure and honorable martyr Ahmed Omar Badr was martyred in his detention centers when he was denied the right to treatment…

++ The pious and righteous Sheikh Al-Zubair Muhammad Al-Hassan, one of the righteous saints of God, was martyred in his prison. He went to his Lord, memorizing the Book of God, standing within its borders, fasting day and night…

++ His malicious revolution still controls the judiciary after bringing back judges who were dismissed for moral or behavioral reasons or for massive corruption. It brought back those who sold “a boatload of bingo” in a case he had reviewed and published. a decision on…

++ Leave it, O trusting ((disappointment)) and your disgusting past. Now, the public opinion knows the biggest case of legal corruption, where the first team, Abd al-Rahim Muhammad Hussein, who is accused in the report ((89)), suffers from a significant deterioration in his health and because he is legally under the jurisdiction, supervision and control of the judiciary, the chief judge refused to deny him his right to receive treatment in a qualified hospital to treat him…

++ Abdul Rahim Muhammad Hussein is in a critical and anxious condition requiring special medical care. A hospital with limited capacity, such as Wadi Sayyidna Health Center, cannot handle his deteriorating health condition, according to the attending physician. recommended that he be transferred to Marawi Hospital, but the Chief Justice insists on not naming him. It is his right to take care…

++ The head of the judiciary is responsible for him as long as he is arrested in a criminal case and is not a political prisoner, so we can demand that Al-Burhan release him. Of course, this does not absolve Al-Burhan from his political and moral responsibility, because he, that is, Abdul Rahim Muhammad Hussein, is one of the heroes of our armed forces and the greatest and most generous of those who were just and kind to them. A defense system was established, and its officers, up to the rank of major, were given a car…

++ So he was rewarded by being imprisoned with the four greatest others in the most insignificant political case observed in the corridors of our national judicial system. The other three were President Omar al-Bashir, the lion of Africa, and his first vice president, Bakri Hassan Saleh, the pride of the military establishment, the one with the purest hands and conscience, and Brigadier General Youssef Abdel Fattah, the most energetic, energetic and active military personnel…

++ The suffering of Abd al-Rahim Muhammad Hussein and the deterioration of his health are the responsibility of the Chief Justice before the evidence is requested about him and the insults of dryness/dwarfism on the sample of a confidant ((disappointed)) traitorous and despicable agent…

++ What heals the heart and soothes the mind is that the article of this insignificant Al-Ruwaibidah, the impudent husband of Zainab, has appeared at a time when the political arena is witnessing a major change in the vision and understanding of each and every one. and visionary, and they determine the first and second areas of their enmity.

++ The entire Sudanese people agreed that their first enemy is the Janjaweed militia and the drought of its political incubator.

His second enemy is the mini-Zionist status of the Emirates, for which Wathiq ((disappointment)) works. He is a wage slave who carries out his directives and agrees to publish in his name the words of Zainab Al-Sadiq to please his masters, the children of Zayed, may God curse them all…

++ I find nothing in our Arabic literature to conclude this article about ((Hatalah) Al-Barir), the husband of the impudent Zainab Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, except the verses of the Yemeni poet Jahir Al-Sira, as he cries cold and sticky words for the wife of this sticky article:

It is the war that opens the ritual of the end

Crush a bone and cook a tear

And sticky lyrics of hymns

++ As for the Chief Justice, he should not forget that he is responsible in this world and in the hereafter for any deterioration, God forbid, that happens to the happiness of the first team, the hero Abdul Rahim Muhammad Hussein. He is being held in a prison. a criminal complaint, and no one can decide on his release except justice.

Despite our belief that his boss is too weak to decide to release him or grant him the right to transfer him to a major hospital based on medical reports that requested it only because his concern is to please those who want Abdul Rahim to be imprisoned until his death, God forbid.

We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.

Tomorrow we will continue with the article Al-Ma'noon Wathiq ((Disappointment))…

++ *Our army, machine*

++ *Be careful, Jinn*

++ *Innocent, O Messenger of God*

*Omar Capo*

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