Sudan is participating in the eighth conference of the Middle East Network for Community Health in Jordan (EMVENT), attended by more than 300 participants from 15 countries and a number of international agencies and organizations.

*Sudan is participating in the eighth conference of the Middle East Network for Community Health in Jordan (EMVENT), attended by more than 300 participants from 15 countries and a number of international agencies and organizations.

*The conference dedicates one day to the presentation of the health situation and support for health in Sudan*

*The conference is an extension of the health support campaign adopted by the EMVNET network with the Federal Ministry of Health*

Sudan participated, with a delegation from the Federal Ministry of Health, headed by a minister, and with the participation of the Sudanese Ambassador, Medical Attaché, to the Sudanese Embassy in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the eighth conference of the Middle East Public Council. Health Network, with the participation of more than 300 participants from 15 countries, in addition to international organizations working in the field of health, United Nations agencies and organizations working in the Middle East and the World Health Organization, in addition to the active presence of American experts in disease control, as well as experts and specialists in the field of public health, in Amman, the Jordanian capital, which began on the 15th and continues until September 18 with the participation of several agencies and specialists in the field of health,

A special general session was dedicated to Sudan to present the current health situation, as well as an expanded thermal session with the participation of the Minister of Health, during which a discussion was held on how to shed light on the health and humanitarian needs in Sudan, as well as provide more support and attention to meet urgent needs, as well as contribute to rehabilitation and construction.

On the sidelines of the conference, the minister held a meeting with the Arab Council during which he discussed many issues related to assistant specialists in training, fees and training abroad, and the presence of Sudan in the institutions of the Arab Council as a founding member of the Arab Council. Arab Council.

The Minister also held a side meeting with the Middle East Network and the Global Academy of Public Health, during which he discussed how to ensure the continuation and expansion of the network's projects in order to address health issues. He thanked them for their tremendous efforts in the conference and in the initiative to support the health sector in Sudan.

In addition, the Minister held a number of meetings with pharmaceutical companies and regional organizations in Jordan to open the doors of joint work and communication and benefit from it by working in Sudan, supporting health activities and contributing to improving pharmaceutical availability in Sudan.

An expanded brainstorming meeting was also held with a number of Sudanese public health experts attending the conference, from several European and Gulf countries, as well as people working in international organizations in Jordan. Many ideas and proposals were listened to and proposed. Expertise and experiences were exchanged that could shape a roadmap and guidelines that will serve the future health map.

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